Villa Rusztika Gyula - Villa Rusztika Gyula

4.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Villa Rusztika Gyula

Address :

Nagyváradi út 35, 5700 Hungary

Phone : 📞 +777
Postal code : 35
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Nagyváradi út 35, 5700 Hungary
Márk Szabados on Google

Nagyon jól éreztük magunk a szálláson, nagyon aranyos és segítőkészek a tulajdonosok. Kutyussal érkeztünk, ő is jól érezte magát. Kényelmes, meleg volt a szállás, és az új szolgáltatás a dézsa fürdő is nagyon nagy élmény volt számunkra. Mindenkinek szívesen ajánlom párommal együtt!
We had a great time at the accommodation, very cute and helpful from the owners. We arrived with a puppy, he was having a good time too. The accommodation was comfortable and warm, and the new service of the tub bath was also a great experience for us. I would love to recommend it to everyone with my partner!
Ágnes Csicsainé Gróf on Google

Fantasztikus hely! Gyönyörű, tiszta , tágas, kényelmes és a házigazda is kedves, segítőkész. A baldachinos ágyak pedig álomszépek.
Fantastic place! Beautiful, clean, spacious, comfortable and the host is kind, helpful. The four-poster beds are dreamlike.
Ildikó Both on Google

2 hete voltunk itt a párommal és a kiskutyánkal.Mindenkinek csak ajánlani tudom. Tiszta,tágas,kényelmes nekünk nagyon tetszett. A tulajdonosok nagyon barátságosak és segítőkészek.
We were here for 2 weeks with my partner and puppy. I can only recommend it to everyone. Clean, spacious, comfortable we really liked. The owners are very friendly and helpful.
Norbert Szabó on Google

Párom rosszulléte miatt az utolsó pillanatban le kellett mondanunk a szállást. Kèsöbb sajnos mentőt is kellett hívni hozzá. A szállás nem kínált fel megoldást a kialakult problèmára. (pl: áthelyezni másik hètvègère, vagy csökkentett összeg megfizetèse stb..). Telefonon keresztül a hölgy hangneme kissè lekezelő volt. Lehet azt gondolta hogy szórakozásból foglaltam. Természetesen a teljes ár megfizetèsèhez ragaszkodtak. Ez rèszemről megtörtènt. Az èrtèkelèsem a problèmakezelèsükre illetve annak teljes hiányára, ès az ügyfèlèlmènyre vonatkozik.
Due to my couple's malaise, we had to cancel accommodation at the last minute. Unfortunately, an ambulance had to be called later. The accommodation did not offer a solution to the problem. (eg transfer to another weekend, or payment of a reduced amount, etc.). Over the phone, the lady's tone was a little condescending. You may have thought I was busy. Of course, they insisted on paying the full price. That happened for me. My assessment refers to their problem handling or its complete absence, and to the client's experience.
Istvan Szilasi on Google

Minden szempontbol csak ajanlani tudom. Nagyon csendes, teljesen felszerelt szallas (internet, kilma, szauna es egy szuper sos dezsa), kenyelmes, tiszta, modern berendezessel es butorokkal - paroknak tokeletes. A varos kozpont 15, a var es a varfurdo 10 perc seta. Ismerkedjetek a szallasadokkal is, Klaudia es Balazs mindenben segitenek, nagyon kedvesek es figyelmesek. Szivesen jovunk maskor is! :)
I can only recommend it in all respects. Very quiet, fully equipped accommodation (internet, kilma, sauna and a super nice sauna), comfortable, clean, with modern furnishings and furniture - perfect for couples. The city center is 15 minutes away, the castle and the varfurdo are 10 minutes walk. Get acquainted with the accommodation, Klaudia and Balazs help me in everything, they are very kind and attentive. We also like to drink mascara! :)
Benedek Juhász on Google

Romantic atmosphere room with corner bath, baldahin bed (hard as a rock - as I like it) and a sauna. Catering is exceptionally delicious and big portions (buffet menu transported every day). Loved the whole experience, will be revisiting soon.
Grace on Google

Excellent place to spend a couple of days or a whole month! The villas are very well equipped with everything you need and more. The place has a sauna, an amazing wooden tub, garden, parking lot, and it's only 10 minutes away from the castle and 15 to the city center. The hosts are very attentive and helpful all the time and have excellent suggestions for places to visit and things to do around. Definitely a great experience and very recommended place.
Pamela on Google

Really nice premises!!? The rooms are super high quality, clean, well equipped. Picnic tables allow nice time outside. Good price and great experience. Just quite disappointed that the 6 person flat has only one bedroom and the rest of the beds are in the common area.

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