Wok N Go - Wok N Go

3.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Wok N Go

Address :

Vadvirág u. 9, 4031 Hungary

Postal code : 9
Categories :

Vadvirág u. 9, 4031 Hungary
István Dombai on Google

Mikrózzák az ételt. Nátrium-glutamátot használnak. "Kínai étterem szindróma": nézz utána!
They micronize the food. Sodium glutamate is used. "Chinese restaurant syndrome": look it up!
Balázs Vincze on Google

Életem egyik legrosszabb kinais kaja élménye. A kiszolgalas ugyahogy rendben van es az adag teljesen korrekt, de az etel ezt negativan ellensulyozza.
One of the worst Chinese food experiences of my life. The service is just fine and the dose is completely correct, but the food negatively counteracts this.
Dia Péter on Google

Túl sós az étel, a köret arányosan kevesebb, mint a feltét, de összességében finom.
The food is too salty, the garnish is proportionally less than the topping, but overall delicious.
László Madár on Google

1900 Ft-ért vettem nagy menüt, a kiszolgálás és az étel mennyisége rendben volt. Az étel minősége már más kérdés... -A szezámmagos csirke csak 40%-ban csirke -Az amerikai csirkében néhol találtam húst, a többi szinte csak a rántása volt ami úszott az olajban, és száraz is volt egyben. -A köret finom volt Összeségében elégedettlen vagyok.
I bought a big menu for 1900 HUF, the amount of service and food was fine. The quality of the food is another matter ... -Sesame seed chicken is only 40% chicken -I found meat in the American chicken in some places, the others were almost just the jerk that floated in the oil and it was dry at the same time. -The garnish was delicious Overall, I am dissatisfied.
László Tóth on Google

Csodás fekete hajszál a mai ott fogyasztott ètelben,a menü csúcspontja volt.Legalàbb a rizs is szétfőtt,tejberizs szerű.Kerülendő!
Wonderful black hair in the food consumed there today was the highlight of the menu. At least the rice is cooked like milk rice. Avoid!
Patrik Ardelean on Google

Tipikus mentalitás... Amúgy 7 órától fél áron adom.... HA olyan kedvem van ???? De ha jönnek az emberek akkor inkább nem... Egyik nap igen, egyik nap nem... Nem azért mert nem tudná megvenni az ember... De ez teljesen unszimpatikussá teszi az egész helyet... Vagy minden nap így csinálom, vagy egyik nap sem!!! Ez így eléggé gáz üzletpolitika...
Typical mentality ... Anyway from 7 o'clock I'll give it for half price .... IF I'm in such a mood ???? But if people come I'd rather not ... One day yes, one day no ... Not because you can't buy it man ... But that makes the whole place completely unpopular ... Either I do it every day or neither day !!! This is quite a gas business policy ...
Attila Buzdor on Google

According to the law in Hungary, you have to accept an electronic payment method and customers cannot have disadvantages whem they want to pay without cash. After 6pm this restaurant only accepts cash, which is not only annoying but also against the law. The food is ok..
Denis Neubert on Google

I visited some Chinese restaurants here in Hungary and must say, surprisingly they have very good and authentic food. Sechuan chicken dish is perfectly balanced, sweet and spicy. They use good quality food and spices. Mushrooms actually taste like Mushrooms and the little baby carrots are cute. Everything is cooked soft and delicious. Not overcooked at all. Every time we ordered spicy food, they looked happy and gave us huge portions. Whenever we go in here, there is always long line waiting in the front. The staff workers look even happy to work here, not like many other places. There are Chinese people with Hungarians working with healthy co-relation. Love to see it when different cultures work together. The one star ratings are not justified at all. Mostly Chinese food in Hungary is too oversalted. Too much salt can make people salty, thaha. Salt is a spice, note a taste. We were here about 10 times already and will come back for sure.

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