Top 10 enterprises in the Dental clinic industry

Happy-Dent Családi Fogászat [Happy-Dent Családi Fogászat]

✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ 8 Reviews

Tétényi út 107, 1119 Hungary

Phone: +36309429825

Postcode: 107

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Tétényi út 107, 1119 Hungary

Business category: Dental clinic

Neighborhood: Happy-Dent Családi Fogászat

Prime Dental Clinic [Prime Dental Clinic]

✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ 8 Reviews

Kacsa u. 5, 1027 Hungary

Phone: +36206628798

Postcode: 5

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Kacsa u. 5, 1027 Hungary

Business category: Dental clinic

Neighborhood: Prime Dental Clinic

Fehérgyöngy Fogászati Magánrendelő [Fehérgyöngy Fogászati Magánrendelő]

✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ 8 Reviews

Németpróna u. 41/A, 1141 Hungary

Phone: +36202434175

Postcode: 41

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Németpróna u. 41/A, 1141 Hungary

Business category: Dental clinic , Anesthesiologist

Neighborhood: Fehérgyöngy Fogászati Magánrendelő

Kreativ Dental Clinic [Kreativ Dental Clinic]

✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ 8 Reviews

Vezér u. 100, 1141 Hungary

Phone: +3612220199

Postcode: 100

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Vezér u. 100, 1141 Hungary

Business category: Dental clinic , Dentist

Neighborhood: Kreativ Dental Clinic

MDental Clinic Hungary [MDental Clinic Hungary]

✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ 8 Reviews

Teréz krt. 55-57, 1062 Hungary

Phone: +36203524219

Postcode: 55-57

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Teréz krt. 55-57, 1062 Hungary

Business category: Dental clinic , Cosmetic dentist

Neighborhood: MDental Clinic Hungary

Mikroszkópos gyökérkezelés [Mikroszkópos gyökérkezelés]

Móricz Zsigmond körtér 3/a, 1114 Hungary

Phone: +3613611222

Postcode: 3

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Móricz Zsigmond körtér 3/a, 1114 Hungary

Business category: Dental clinic

City: /a

Neighborhood: Mikroszkópos gyökérkezelés

Dentissa Kft. [Dentissa Kft.]

✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ 4 Reviews

Bartók Béla út 70, 1114 Hungary

Phone: +3613614340

Postcode: 70

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Bartók Béla út 70, 1114 Hungary

Business category: Dental clinic

Neighborhood: Dentissa Kft.

Bárány Dental Kft. [Bárány Dental Kft.]

Attila út 133, 1012 Hungary

Phone: +36209375424

Postcode: 133

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Attila út 133, 1012 Hungary

Business category: Dental clinic

Neighborhood: Bárány Dental Kft.

Endodent Hungary [Endodent Hungary]

✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ 8 Reviews

Villányi út 1, 1114 Hungary

Phone: +36203545599

Postcode: 1

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Villányi út 1, 1114 Hungary

Business category: Dental clinic , Dental hygienist

Neighborhood: Endodent Hungary

Bavaria Dental Center LLC. [Bavaria Dental Center LLC.]

✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ 8 Reviews

Andrássy út 45, 1061 Hungary

Phone: +498955209120

Postcode: 45

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Andrássy út 45, 1061 Hungary

Business category: Dental clinic , Dentist

Neighborhood: Bavaria Dental Center LLC.

Etele Dental Fogászat [Etele Dental Fogászat]

✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ 8 Reviews

Etele út 39, 1119 Hungary

Phone: +36204056161

Postcode: 39

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Etele út 39, 1119 Hungary

Business category: Dental clinic

Neighborhood: Etele Dental Fogászat

Pont32 Dentistry and Oral Surgery XI.kerület [Pont32 Dentistry and Oral Surgery XI.kerület]

✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ 8 Reviews

Budapest Alíz u. 6/B. (A épület) Földszint 13, 1117 Hungary

Phone: +36209993232

Postcode: 6

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Budapest Alíz u. 6/B. (A épület) Földszint 13, 1117 Hungary

Business category: Dental clinic , Cosmetic dentist

City: /B. épület) Földszint

Neighborhood: Pont32 Dentistry and Oral Surgery XI.kerület

Budapest Dental Solutions [Budapest Dental Solutions]

✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ 8 Reviews

Jókai u. 1, 1066 Hungary

Phone: +447815442233

Postcode: 1

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Jókai u. 1, 1066 Hungary

Business category: Dental clinic , Cosmetic dentist

Neighborhood: Budapest Dental Solutions

Firstdent London & Budapest [Firstdent London & Budapest]

✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ 8 Reviews

Fodor u. 140, 1124 Hungary

Phone: +442088201417

Postcode: 140

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Fodor u. 140, 1124 Hungary

Business category: Dental clinic

Neighborhood: Firstdent London & Budapest

Rácz Dental fogorvosi magánrendelő [Rácz Dental fogorvosi magánrendelő]

✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ 5 Reviews

Karacs Teréz u. 24, 2112 Hungary

Phone: +36203333599

Postcode: 24

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Business category: Dental clinic

Neighborhood: Rácz Dental fogorvosi magánrendelő

Nánási Dental - Fogorvosi rendelő, Szájsebészet [Szájsebészet]

✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ 8 Reviews

Nánási út 4b, 1031 Hungary

Phone: +36702700140

Postcode: 4

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Nánási út 4b, 1031 Hungary

Business category: Dental clinic

City: b

Neighborhood: Szájsebészet

HomeDent Fogászati Rendelő - fogorvos III. kerület [HomeDent Fogászati Rendelő - fogorvos III. kerület]

✮ ✮ ✮ 2 Reviews

Bécsi út 314/C, 1037 Hungary

Phone: +3612448191

Postcode: 314

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Bécsi út 314/C, 1037 Hungary

Business category: Dental clinic , Cosmetic dentist

Neighborhood: HomeDent Fogászati Rendelő - fogorvos III. kerület

Regensbogen Dental Kft. [Regensbogen Dental Kft.]

✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ 7 Reviews

Bécsi út 286, 1037 Hungary

Phone: +36203303408

Postcode: 286

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Bécsi út 286, 1037 Hungary

Business category: Dental clinic

Neighborhood: Regensbogen Dental Kft.

Budapest Dental Care [Budapest Dental Care]

Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor 105, 1026 Hungary

Phone: +36209513491

Postcode: 105

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Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor 105, 1026 Hungary

Business category: Dental clinic , Dental

Neighborhood: Budapest Dental Care

DentalPro fogászat [DentalPro fogászat]

✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ 1 Reviews

Karinthy Frigyes út 4-6-1111, 9 Hungary

Phone: +36302860817

Postcode: 4-6-1111

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Karinthy Frigyes út 4-6-1111, 9 Hungary

Business category: Dental clinic

Neighborhood: DentalPro fogászat