Top 10 enterprises in the Fast food restaurant industry
Business category: Fast food restaurant
Neighborhood: Burger King
Business category: Fast food restaurant
Neighborhood: Döner Kebab Express
Business category: Fast food restaurant
Neighborhood: Burger King
Business category: Fast food restaurant
Business category: Fast food restaurant
Neighborhood: Kínai Gyorsétterem
Business category: Fast food restaurant , Pizza restaurant
City: km TESCO
Neighborhood: 4-es számú főút 33
Business category: Fast food restaurant
Neighborhood: Halsütő
Business category: Fast food restaurant
Neighborhood: Ecseri Gyros Büfé
Business category: Fast food restaurant
Neighborhood: Hambi büfé
Business category: Fast food restaurant
Neighborhood: KFC Maglód DT
Business category: Fast food restaurant
Neighborhood: Kínai Ételbár
Business category: Fast food restaurant
Neighborhood: McDonald's
Business category: Fast food restaurant
Neighborhood: Bástya Bisztró
Business category: Fast food restaurant
Neighborhood: New York Gyorsétterem
Business category: Fast food restaurant
Neighborhood: Grill Box16 & The Kitchen
Business category: Fast food restaurant
Neighborhood: Burger King
Business category: Fast food restaurant
Neighborhood: Mennyei csemegek
Business category: Fast food restaurant
Neighborhood: Bojtár Büfé
Business category: Fast food restaurant , Hungarian restaurant
Neighborhood: Torkos Büfé
Business category: Fast food restaurant
Neighborhood: Kórházi büfé