Baltex Home Kft.

2.3/5 based on 3 reviews

Contact Baltex Home Kft.

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Tópark utca, 1/a., 2045 Hungary

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Tópark utca, 1/a., 2045 Hungary
Brigitta C. on Google

Július 2.-án rendeltünk több terméket is a cégtől több milliós tételben. A megbeszéltek szerint 2 - 3 hét a szállítás.. Kifizettük a felét előlegként, majd kaptunk egy emailt két nappal később , hogy augusztus 13.-án kapjuk meg a terméket, ami 8 hét! Telefonáltunk, hogy nekünk ez nem jó, mert ütemezve van a felújítás valamint NEM ez volt megbeszélve és ha tudtuk volna akkor nem is rendelünk a cégüktől. A válasz az volt, hogy nincs raktáron le kell gyártani.. (Kérdés, megrendeléskor nem tudták, hogy nincs raktáron?) Július 25.-én ismét telefonáltunk, hogy van e valami közelebbi időpont az ügyben, mert a burkoló a termékre vár és áll a munka ez miatt.. Volt szerencsém a tulajdonossal beszélni, aki fennhangon állította, hogy ők nem mondtak olyat, hogy 2-3 hét (ott sem volt a megrendeléskor).. meggyanúsított, hogy Ők ilyet nem mondtak és én állítok valótlant. Végül felvilágosított, hogy ő a tulajdonos.. :D A belsőépítészünk mesélte, hogy a mi rendelésünkkel egyben egy másik lakás burkolatát is megrendelték és ott is kioktató, bunkó stílusban beszélt a megrendelővel a tulajdonos. Szerencsére ott visszamondták a megrendelést (nekünk is ezt kellett volna!) Miért nem lehet a megrendeléskor vázolni a lehetőségeket és akkor a megrendelő eldöntheti, hogy meg akarja e vásárolni a terméket!? Persze világos, hogy az a cél minél több legyen a megrendelés de nem úgy, hogy átverik a megrendelőket Felháborító ez a , stílus/viselkedés!!! Ha már több visszajelzés is van ezzel kapcsolatban, akkor el kellene gondolkodni kicsit... A tulajdonosnak pedig sok sikert kívánok a vállalkozásához!
On July 2, we ordered several products from the company in millions of lots. As agreed, delivery is 2-3 weeks .. We paid half as an advance and then received an email two days later to receive the product on August 13th, which is 8 weeks! We called that it was not good for us, because the renovation was scheduled and it was NOT discussed and if we could, we would not order from their company. The answer was that there is no stock to be manufactured .. (Question, when you ordered, you didn't know it was out of stock?) On the 25th of July, we called again to see if there was anything closer to the matter, because the wrapper was waiting for the product and the work was on because of it. 3 weeks (it wasn't there at the time of ordering either) .. I suspected they didn't say that and I'm claiming it was false. Finally he clarified that he is the owner ..: D Our interior designer told us that the cover of another apartment was ordered with our order and the owner also spoke to the customer in an instructive, jerk style. Luckily the order was canceled there (we should have done that too!) Why can't you outline the options when ordering and then the customer can decide if they want to buy the product !? Of course, it is clear that the goal is to have as many orders as possible, but not in such a way as to deceive the customers. Outrageous this, style / behavior !!! If you already have more feedback on this, you should think a little ... And I wish the owner a lot of success in his business!
David Fick on Google

I have ordered from Baltex several times now and I am completely happy with the service and products I received. Highly recommended.
Eric Sievers on Google

We ordered furniture with an 8-12 week delivery time, paid a deposit for delivery in week 15 on a certain day and never heard from them again although we knew they wouldn't deliver until we paid the final instalment. So two days before the delivery date, we visited them and were told there was a delay. No communication. They even invented a ridiculous story about how it was our fault, at which point we dragged up all the documentation about how we paid same day they issued an invoice and answered every e-mail within hours and so never caused any delay. So then they completely changed from blaming us to blame their supplier, to which we responded that that was irrelevant to us. When would it come? They wouldn't say, other that to say that "in our opinion, there's no difference" between a week 20 delivery or a week 12 delivery. So we asked for a refund, and they said, "sure but put it in e-mail." So we did, and now they refuse to issue a refund because it's all their supplier's fault and they've done nothing wrong. In short- never give these people a down payment and don't equate great imported furniture with anything approaching decent local customer service. Looks like we're going to court with these guys.

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