Belvárosi híd - Szeged

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Contact Belvárosi híd

Address :

6720 Hungary

Categories :
City : Belvárosi híd

6720 Hungary
Gheorghe Corobceanu on Google

Principalul pod peste Tisa al Seghedinului și singurul până în 1979, când s-a construit Podul Bertalan. Construcția metalică s-a făcut după marea inundație, intre 1880 - 1883 și refăcut, după distrugerea de la sfârșitul lui 1944, abia în 1948. Are aproape 680 m lungime intre cei 2 piloni. Denumit și Podul Vechi, se pare că dintre arhitecți a făcut parte și Gustave Eiffel.
The main bridge over the Tisza of Szeged and the only one until 1979, when the Bertalan Bridge was built. The metal construction was made after the great flood, between 1880 - 1883 and rebuilt, after the destruction at the end of 1944, only in 1948. It is almost 680 m long between the 2 pillars. Also called the Old Bridge, it seems that Gustave Eiffel was one of the architects.
Ildikó Klára Faragóne Tóth on Google

Semmi különös, jó a rálátás a folyóra, a városra. Szinte egész nap nagyon zsúfolt!
Nothing special, good view of the river, the city. It's been very crowded almost all day!
Francesco Fatto (Europe Traveller) on Google

Szeged klasszikus öreg hídja. A Belvárost köti össze Újszegeddel. A háború során természetesen ez sem "úszta meg szárazon", újjá kellett építeni. Az építkezés alatt pallók voltak a félig kész híd szerkezetre fektetve, tériszonyosoknak nem volt ajánlatos az átkelés. Ma már békésen lehet ábrándozni, nézni a lusta folyó hömpölygését.
The classic old bridge of Szeged. It connects the city center with Újszeged. During the war, of course, this did not "float dry" either, it had to be rebuilt. During the construction, planks were laid on the semi-finished bridge structure, it was not recommended for cross-country skiers to cross. Today it is possible to daydream peacefully, to watch the rolling of the lazy river.
Radmila Lemajić Kišgeci on Google

Most sa starinskim delovima i kao da je deo mosta dodat. Iz muzeja pravo na most.Neobične polukružne stepenice koje vode na most.
A bridge with antique parts and as if a part of the bridge had been added. From the museum straight to the bridge. Unusual semicircular steps leading to the bridge.
ClydeBlox on Google

istván solymossy on Google

Ok ???
Daniel Haman on Google

Main bridge in the city over the river Tisza.
Ambrotos Aeternus on Google

It is rhe main bridge of the city. It is easy to cross to the other side, but beware that the two opposing walking lanes are one for bicycles only and the other for people. It is partially made from steel after 1944 destruction. The original was build between 1880 and 1893, and it is possible that Gustav Eiffel had some workings on the architecture.

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