Duna Döner Török Étterem - Duna Döner Török Étterem

3.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Duna Döner Török Étterem

Address :

Csanád vezér tér 11, 6900 Hungary

Phone : 📞 +8
Postal code : 11
Website : https://www.foodpanda.hu/
Categories :

Csanád vezér tér 11, 6900 Hungary
Gábor Süvegh on Google

A megye legfinomabb és legkiadósabb Dönere!!! Nagyon barátságos kiszolgálás ?? Állandó vendégek leszünk?!
Dönere is the finest and most popular in the county !!! Very friendly service ?? Will we be regular guests ?!
Zoran Tatić on Google

савршено место, одлични специјалитети и богат избор: варијације на све теме су одличне.
perfect place, great specialties and a rich selection: variations on all themes are great.
Ádám Ferka on Google

Finom és olcsó. A pénztáros lánynak mondjuk annyira nem volt életkedve, hogy az enyémet is majdnem elvette, de attól jót kajáltunk. Tanács: a csipogó átadásánál mondjátok el a vendégnek, hogy a gombbal ki tudja kapcsolni a csipogást. Marha idegesítő, hogy kevesen tudják :D
Delicious and cheap. The cashier's girl wasn't so lively, let's say, she almost took mine, but we ate. Tip: When handing over the beep, tell the guest that you can turn off the beep with the button. Beef is annoying that few know: D
Stella Surdu Carausu on Google

Restaurant simpatic, neobișnuit pentru chebap. Dar neprimitor de oaspeți din alte țări. La casă lucrează 5 femei tinere,dintre care doar una cunoaște puțin engleza. Meniul la fel doar in limba oficiala, fără traducere măcar in engleză. Dupa ce am comandat,imediat mi sa cerut sa achităm,acest gest arata neîncredere in clienți,de parcă noi vom manca si vom pleca prin geam fără să achităm. Si ddupa ce achitam,in timp ce macam,2 angajate se uita permanent in gura noastra. Foarte incomod,jenant...nu aș mai reveni aici.
Nice restaurant, unusual for chebap. But unwelcome guests from other countries. 5 young women work at home, only one of whom knows little English. The menu is also only in the official language, without even a translation into English. After I ordered, I was immediately asked to pay, this gesture shows distrust of customers, as if we will eat and go through the window without paying. And after we pay, while we macabre, 2 employees are constantly looking in our mouths. Very awkward, embarrassing ... I wouldn't go back here.
Istók Hanyi on Google

Tiszta Törökország...csak tisztább,rendezettebb kivitelben! Finomak az ételek,kedvesek a dolgozók! Csak ajánlani tudom!
Clean Turkey ... only in a cleaner, more tidy finish! The food is delicious, the workers are nice! I can only recommend!
Zoltán Dalmadi on Google

Ha Makón jársz és éhes vagy és kicsit is igényes vagy arra mit , és hol eszel ide menj ! Nagyon kellemes , és üde hangulatú étterem ! Nagyon finom ételekkel ! A személyzet is segítőkész ,és gyors volt . Ha csak enni akarsz egy jót , akkor is feltétlen menj be ! De itt leülhetsz egy hosszabb út közben egy kis pihenőre , vagy beszélgetni , kávézni is a barátokkal !
If you are walking in Makó and you are hungry and a little demanding of what and where you eat go here! Very pleasant and fresh restaurant! With very delicious food! The staff was also helpful and quick. If you just want to eat a good one, you should definitely go in! But here you can sit down for a long break for a longer trip, or chat and have coffee with friends!
Voajer Su on Google

the best place in this city
Hogar Su on Google

excellent menu, the best east type of food

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