FLORIS cukorkabolt (Bonbon – Chocolat Floris -1923-1934) - FLORIS cukorkabolt (Bonbon – Chocolat Floris /1923-1934)

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Contact FLORIS cukorkabolt (Bonbon – Chocolat Floris /1923-1934)

Address :

Kossuth Lajos u. 2, 1053 Hungary

Postal code : 2
Website : https://florisbook.wordpress.com/
Categories :

Kossuth Lajos u. 2, 1053 Hungary
Lidia Szaponyi on Google

Gábor Haszon on Google

- On February 8, 1923, the Bonbon - Chocolat Floris candy store was opened at 9 Ferenciek tér, Budapest at that time. Initially, the furnishings, furniture and shop window of the shop were designed by the designer Ödön Dankó. The store's ornaments were designed by sculptor István Gádor and made by Frigyes Floris in his own ceramic factory. The façade, designed by Ödön Dankó, was demolished by the Budapest Municipality in July 1923, after great controversy. Following the forced transformation, Lajos Kozma designs the shop window and the later world-famous bonbon boxes in the shop window. The store was liquidated on July 31, 1934, along with the businesses of Frigyes Floris. - - * - - - 1923 február 8.-án az akkori Budapest Ferenciek tere 9. szám alatt nyitották meg némi csúszás után Bonbon – Chocolat Floris cukorka üzletet. Kezdetben a bolt berendezési tárgyait, bútorait és kirakatát Dankó Ödön iparművész tervezte. A bolt dísztárgyai Gádor István szobrászművész tervezte és Floris Frigyes saját kerámiai gyárában készültek A bolt a legelőkelőbb közönségét fogadta, a legjobb és legkiválóbb minőségű alapanyagokból készült termékeivel. A Dankó Ödön által tervezett homlokzatot, nagy viták után 1923 júliusában lebontatta a Főváros. Kényszerű átalakítás követően Kozma Lajos tervez kirakatot és a kirakatban levő később világhírű bonbonos dobozokat. A boltot 1934 július 31-én Floris Frigyes vállalkozásaival együtt felszámolják. - - * - -
- On February 8, 1923, the Bonbon - Chocolat Floris candy store was opened at 9 Ferenciek tér, Budapest at that time. Initially, the furnishings, furniture and shop window of the shop were designed by the designer Ödön Dankó. The store's ornaments were designed by sculptor István Gádor and made by Frigyes Floris in his own ceramic factory. The façade, designed by Ödön Dankó, was demolished by the Budapest Municipality in July 1923, after great controversy. Following the forced transformation, Lajos Kozma designs the shop window and later the world-famous bonbon boxes in the shop window. The store was liquidated on July 31, 1934, along with the businesses of Frigyes Floris. - - * - - - On February 8, 1923, after some delays, the Bonbon - Chocolat Floris candy store was opened at 9 Budapest Ferenciek tere. Initially, the shop's furnishings, furniture and shop window were designed by craftsman Ödön Dankó. The ornaments of the shop were designed by the sculptor István Gádor and made in Frigyes Floris' own ceramic factory. The shop received the most distinguished audience with its products made of the best and highest quality raw materials. The facade designed by Ödön Dankó was demolished by the Capital City in July 1923 after great controversy. After a forced renovation, Lajos Kozma designs a shop window and the later world-famous candy boxes in the shop window. The shop was liquidated on July 31, 1934, together with the businesses of Frigyes Floris. - - * - -

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