Gokart Kft. - Gokart Kft.

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Gokart Kft.

Address :

Jégverem u. 34, 8600 Hungary

Phone : 📞 +897
Postal code : 34
Categories :

Jégverem u. 34, 8600 Hungary
Dániel Gál on Google

Teljesen rendben van, jó pálya, sokféle fizetési lehetőség (szép kártya is), negatívum a fejmaszk hiánya, így főleg nyáron az egyik izzadt ember után kell felvennie a másiknak.
Absolutely fine, good track, a lot of payment options (nice card too), negative is the lack of a head mask, so especially in the summer after one sweaty person has to pick up another.
ratiattila18 on Google

A személyzet lekezelően viselkedett. Nincs konkrét jegyárusító hely,a gokartok mellett kell tülekedni a szabad gokartokért (aki hamarabb fizet az gokartozhat). Hiányoltam a bukósisak alatti maszkokat,ami más helyen alap. A pálya nem rossz,jól lehet rajta menni.
The staff was demeaning. There is no specific point of sale, you have to fight for free karts (who pays sooner). I missed the masks underneath the helmet, which is different in other places. The track is not bad, you can go well.
Szabó Bence on Google

Ma voltunk először, Magyarországon eddigi legjobb hely ahol eddig voltam. Az üzemeltető nagyon rendes volt, a gokartok és felszerelések rendben, a pálya pedig lendületes. Sikerült 27 alá menni, úgyhogy teljes az elégedettség ?
Today we were for the first time, the best place I have ever been in Hungary. The operator was very orderly, the go-karts and equipment were in order and the track was dynamic. I managed to go below 27, so complete satisfaction ?
Károly Csanálosi on Google

Szuper pálya, gépek, köszi! ?
Super track, machines, thanks! ?
lukas gallik on Google

Prístupová cesta 4/5. Trať 4/5 (viac technické by to mohlo byť) motokary 4/5. Personál 5/5 platba možná cash aj card. Ak chcete viacej hygieny potrebná vlastná kukla. Jazdi sa 5min a 10 min. 10min cca 13€.Ináč jedna z najlepších motokar v okolí. Vrelo odporúčam.
Access road 4/5. Track 4/5 (more technical it could be) karts 4/5. Staff 5/5 payment possible cash and card. If you want more hygiene needed custom helmet. Drive 5min and 10min. 10min approx. 13 €. Another one of the best karts in the area. I highly recommend.
Fabio Antonacci on Google

Molto divertente. Pista veloce e ben illuminata anche la sera, sicura e con una buona assistenza. Il prezzo per 10 minuti è di 3.600 fiorini (circa 11 euro) ed è un prezzo onesto. Mi sono divertito molto con i miei amici e lo consiglio a tutti.
Very funny. Fast track and well lit even in the evening, safe and with good assistance. The price for 10 minutes is 3,600 forints (about 11 euros) and it's a fair price. I had a great time with my friends and recommend it to everyone.
Seb Dabek on Google

Dobrze zorganizowana zabawa. Dobra obsługa i sprzęt nie zniszczony. Polecam każdemu.
Well-organized fun. Good service and equipment not damaged. I recommend to everyone.
Aurimas Pakruopis on Google

Amazing place to make some fun

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