Gokart Siófok - Gokart Siófok

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Gokart Siófok

Address :

Jégverem u. 34, 8600 Hungary

Phone : 📞 +897
Postal code : 34
Categories :

Jégverem u. 34, 8600 Hungary
Mariann Kevevari1 on Google

A pálya, a kocsik jók, kicsit ijesztő volt megérkezéskor a tömeg, mert nem látszik, hogy amúgy gyorsan sorra lehet kerülni. Valamiféle sorszámosztó jó lenne, mert az emberek egymás közt próbálják eldönteni a sorrendet, amit én például nem szeretek.
The track, the cars are good, it was a bit scary when the crowd arrived because it doesn’t seem to be possible to line up quickly anyway. Some sort of number divider would be good because people try to decide the order among themselves, which I don’t like, for example.
Przemyslaw Rypulak on Google

Them gocarts are pretty fast
Nicolas on Google

Good track and good go kart. I only give 4 stars because of the high price 12€ / 10 minutes.
Sori a on Google

It's a great experience for children
maryna voronina on Google

Bad service. We were sitting and waiting for our turn but then stuff allowed mix child adults and lap was overloaded. Wasting time expirience, short track. Do not recommend
Michał Krupiński on Google

Really nice track, new karts, good tarmac. Thing that we missed was a screen over track so that we could see out times live, not after run. Anyway, highly recommended ;)
Csaba Matluka on Google

We loves the place. The staff is friendly and professional, the gokarts are clean and well maintained. Tyres are fine too so you get a good grip in the circuit.
Pavel Fiala on Google

My son (Ferrari admiring guy) was excited...thanks so much for a service there...Pavel

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