Horváth László kárpitos műhely - Horváth László kárpitos műhely

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Horváth László kárpitos műhely

Address :

Győri út 9400, 9400 Hungary

Phone : 📞 +99
Postal code : 9400
Categories :

Győri út 9400, 9400 Hungary
Florian Balogh on Google

Super freundlich sehr kompetent
Super friendly, very competent
hc thc on Google

Preis Leistung ist TipTop. Die Arbeit ist super, sind sehr zufrieden.
Price performance is TipTop. The work is great, are very satisfied.
Tibor Pintér on Google

Nagyon köszönöm! Gyors rugalmas, ajánlom mindenkinek!
Thank you very much! Fast flexible, I recommend to everyone!
István Tóth on Google

Nagyon jó minőségű anyagok és remek jó bútorok kerülnek ki a műhelyből
Very good quality materials and fine furniture come out of the workshop
Thomas Wasl on Google

Alles perfekt und sehr schnell, echt super !!!
Everything perfect and very fast, really great!
Blay Zoltán on Google

Szakértői véleményezés, készséges kiszolgálás.
Expert opinion, ready service.
Gábor Kulcsár on Google

Rég múltal rendelkező, bejáratott kárpitos műhely. Sok bútor problémára van megoldásuk. Règi esztergált lábak, oszlopok, javítása cseréje.
Well-established upholstery workshop with a long history. Many furniture problems have a solution. Règi turned legs, columns, repair replacement.
Bernadette V'arhelyi on Google

Sajnos oriasi csalodas volt tobb esetben is a karpitos muhely valasztasa. A mubör minosege kritikan aluli, utolag derult ki, csak bizonyos szinu ruhak viseletekor hasznalhato a kanape, a mubor felulet konnyen beszinezodik, utana allando szinezodest hagy. A belso burkolat hianyos, veszelyesse valt a kanape kihuzasakor, kezfeluletet sert a bevonantlan fa, valamint nem kert feluletet is athuzott, sajnos minosegtelen anyagot hasznalva, ami szinten nem tisztithato, a kanapenk hasznalati elmenyet vesztitte. Ezen felul nem ad szamlat, csak tobbszori keresre utolag, nem korrekt modon szamol az EUR/HUF atvaltas eseten , ezen felul telefonbeszelgetest felvesz elozetes vasarloi tajekoztatas nelkul, es a lakasunrol allitolagosan fotot is keszittett a tulajdonod elmondasa szerint. Erdemes ezekre rendeles elott odafigyelni! Panaszunkat a megfelelo szerveknel megtettuk. Unfortunately, the choice of the Carpathian was a big mistake in many cases. The quality of the material is under the expected quality, it was revealed afterwards, it can only be used on the sofa when the person is wearing certain colored clothes (only light), the material surface is easily colored, after which it leaves a permanent coloring. The interior cladding is flawed, dangerous when the bed part is pulled out, the uncoated wood and the non-garden surface are treated with a loose, unfortunate material that cannot be cleaned, and the sofa has lost its use. In addition, you will not get the invoice after your payment, you will only get it if you warning them many times. In additionally, EUR / HUF will be unfair exchanging and you need to be noticed them to be correct and fair. The owner is recording the phone call without any alignment of the customer and the owner is making a pics of the apartment as well without any permission of ourselves . It is worth to paying attention to these before any ordering! We made also our complaint with the appropriate bodies asap. Leider war die Wahl der Karpaten in vielen Fällen ein großer Fehler. Die Qualität des Materials ist unter der erwarteten Qualität, wie sich später herausstellte, es kann nur auf dem Sofa verwendet werden, wenn die Person bestimmte farbige Kleidung trägt (nur hell), die Materialoberfläche färbt sich leicht, danach hinterlässt es eine bleibende Farbe Färbung. Die Innenverkleidung ist mangelhaft, gefährlich, wenn das Bettteil herausgezogen wird, das unbeschichtete Holz und die Nicht-Gartenoberfläche werden mit einem losen, unglücklichen Material behandelt, das nicht gereinigt werden kann, und das Sofa hat seinen Nutzen verloren. Außerdem erhalten Sie die Rechnung nicht nach Ihrer Zahlung, sondern nur, wenn Sie sie mehrmals warnen. Außerdem werden EUR / HUF nicht getauscht und Sie müssen darauf achten, dass sie korrekt und fair sind. Der Eigentümer zeichnet das Telefonat ohne Abstimmung mit dem Kunden auf und der Eigentümer macht auch ohne unsere Erlaubnis Fotos von der Wohnung. Es lohnt sich, diese vor jeder Bestellung zu beachten! Wir haben auch unsere Beschwerde bei den zuständigen Stellen so schnell wie möglich eingereicht.
Sajnos oriasi csalodas volt tobb esetben is a karpitos muhely valasztasa. A mubor minosege kritikan aluli, utolag derult ki, csak bizonyos szinu ruhak viseletekor hasznalhato a kanape, a mubor feulet konnyen beszinezodik, utana allando szinezodest hagy. A belso burkolat hianyos, veszelyesse valt a kanape kihuzasakor, kezfeluletet sert a bevonantlan fa, valamint nem kert feluletet is athuzott, sajnos minosegtelen anyagot hasznalva, ami szinten nem tisztithato, a kanapenk hasznalati elmenyet vesztitte. Ezen felul nem ad szamlat, csak tobbszori keresre utolag, nem correctly modon szamol az EUR/HUF atvaltas eseten , ezen felul telefonbeszelgetest felvesz elozetes vasarloi tajekoztatas nelkul, es a lakasunrol allitolagosan fotot is keszittett a tulajdonod elmondasa szerint. Erdemes ezekre rendeles elott odafigyelni! Panaszunkat a megfelelo szerveknel megtettuk. Unfortunately, the choice of the Carpathian was a big mistake in many cases. The quality of the material is below the expected quality, it was revealed afterwards, it can only be used on the sofa when the person is wearing certain colored clothes (only light), the material surface is easily colored, after which it leaves a permanent coloring. The interior cladding is flawed, dangerous when the bed part is pulled out, the uncoated wood and the non-garden surface are treated with a loose, unfortunate material that cannot be cleaned, and the sofa has lost its use. In addition, you will not get the invoice after your payment, you will only get it if you warn them many times. In addition, EUR / HUF will be unfairly exchanging and you need to be noticed them to be correct and fair. The owner is recording the phone call without any alignment of the customer and the owner is making a pics of the apartment as well without any permission from ourselves. It is worth paying attention to these before any ordering! We also made our complaint with the appropriate bodies asap. Unfortunately, in many cases, the choice of the Carpathians was a big mistake. The quality of the material is below the expected quality, as it turned out later, it can only be used on the sofa if the person wears certain colored clothes (only light), the surface of the material stains slightly, after which it leaves a permanent color staining. The interior trim is poor, dangerous when the bed section is pulled out, the uncoated wood and non-garden finish are treated with a loose unfortunate material that cannot be cleaned, and the sofa has lost its utility. Also, you will not get the bill after your payment, only if you warn them several times. Also, EUR/HUF are not exchanged and you need to make sure they are correct and fair. The owner records the phone call without consulting the client and the owner also takes photos of the apartment without our permission. It is worth considering these before each order! We also submitted our complaint to the relevant authorities as soon as possible.

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