HUMANIC | Korzó Shopping Center - HUMANIC | Korzó Shopping Center

4.1/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact HUMANIC | Korzó Shopping Center

Address :

Nagy Imre tér 1, 4400 Hungary

Phone : 📞 +887
Postal code : 1
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Categories :

Nagy Imre tér 1, 4400 Hungary
Gábor Tóth on Google

Kedves eladók. Vevő baráti kiszolgálás.
Dear sellers. Customer friendly service.
Imrene Ecsedi on Google

Cserére visszavitt csizmával "elhajtottak" szombaton.Kedden tudtam visszamenni,de az üzlet zárva. ???????
He was "driven away" on Saturday with his boots brought back in exchange. I was able to go back on Tuesday, but the store was closed. ???????
Matúz László on Google

Jó ár - érték arány. Minőségi cipők hosszútávú használatra.
Good value for money. Quality shoes for long-term use.
Juhász Péter on Google

Az árak nem tükrözik a minőséget, már két cipőt is visszavittem, mert néhány hónap alatt tönkrementek
The prices do not reflect the quality, I have already taken back two shoes because they were ruined in a few months
Bea Zahorak on Google

Nagyon szép,tiszta,igényes a bolt.A lábbelik és táskák nagyon szépek,minőségiek.Az eladók kedvesek voltak.
Very nice, clean, demanding shop.The footwear and bags are very nice, good quality.The sellers were nice.
Kósa Roland on Google

Teljesen meg vagyok elégedve. Visszavittem egy cipőt egy pici hibával, azonnal szó nélkül felajánlották hogy levásárolhatom az árát. Korrekt.
I am completely satisfied. I took back a shoe with a tiny mistake, they immediately offered me a word to buy the price. Correct.
Boros Zoltán on Google

Minőségi problémákat követően (2 hét alatt) cipőt visszavittem, és én személyszerint nagyon bunkó ügyintézőt kaptam. Dobálta a cipőt csapkodott az asztalon a papírokat szószerint elém dobta. Nem érzem magam felelősnek hogy 20.000 ft -os termék 2 hetet sem bír és nem gondolom úgy kellene bánni az emberrel mint valami csövessel. Mikor megvesszük ki van nyalva a se..e is az embernek, akkor ha rossza minőség miért kell a vevővel így viselkedni? Még a vásárló érezze magát kellemetlenül mert nem azt kapja amit venni szeretett volna? A tájékoztatás miért hiányos ha visszavisznek egy cipőt? (Miért csak cserét ajánlanak vagy ajándékutalványra lehet a rossz terméket váltani? Ez jogszabályilag, fogyasztóvédelmi szempontból is így van?)
After quality problems (in 2 weeks) I took the shoes back and I personally got a very jerky agent. He threw the shoes fluttering on the desk, throwing the papers literally in front of me. I don't feel responsible for having a 20,000 ft product for 2 weeks and I don't think people should be treated like a tube. When we buy a lick for a man, then if it is a bad quality, should the customer behave like this? Even the buyer feel uncomfortable because he doesn't get what he wanted to buy? Why is the information missing when you take back a shoe? (Why do you only offer a replacement or can you replace a bad product with a gift voucher? Is this legal and consumer protection?)
Ilona Z on Google

Bad for Ukrainians! I do not recommend. Today I found out that it turns out that the store employees themselves stole what I bought to live here: a plastic container for food and four teaspoons, it was in a white plastic bag. This is the attitude of employees in the store to customers. This is very unpleasant. It became clear today. Yesterday, 06/08/2022, I came to the store at 19:50, left at 19:59. The store was open until 20:00 yesterday, so I was in a hurry. I don't have shoes for warm weather. I came here with one pair of shoes. And I was only in this store yesterday, I didn't go anywhere else. I tried on my sneakers and forgot my white plastic bag near the fitting area. We were in a hurry so I forgot my plastic bag. I was the last customer yesterday, the gates of the store were already lowered when we left, there were no other customers in the store. So today I was sure that I would get my plastic bag back. But this did not happen. I contacted the security of the shopping center and they said that yesterday the employees who worked in this store were cleaning their hall as usual after the last customer left. I was that last customer and had a second person with me who can confirm this. So no one except the employees could take my plastic bag. Then the question is: where is my plastic bag, why was it not returned to me? How many salespeople worked in the store yesterday? Two or four people? It's not that much. Why not ask all the employees who worked yesterday? And why not give me my plastic bag? I dont know. There were no more customers in the store and no one except the employees could take this plastic bag, this is obvious. It is important for me to return my things. However, the store employees were not so honest.

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