Létavértes Border Crossing Station - Létavértes határátkelő

2.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Létavértes Border Crossing Station

Address :

Létavértes határátkelő, 4814, 4284 Hungary

Phone : 📞 +8
Postal code : 4814
Website : http://www.police.hu/ugyintezes/szerv/orszagos-rendor-fokapitanysag/hajdu-bihar-megyei-rendor-fokapitanysag/hrk-0
Categories :

Létavértes határátkelő, 4814, 4284 Hungary
Marczy80 on Google

Eddig nem volt gond. Legtöbbször bringával mentem át, kirándultam Székelyhídra. Egész gyorsan lehetett haladni. Jobban szeretem a kis átkelőket, a kisebb forgalom miatt.
No problem so far. Most of the time I went by bike and went to the Szekler Bridge. It was fast moving. I prefer small crossings because of less traffic.
Attila Orban on Google

Tipikus kis falusi hatar atkelo ahol az orok unalmukban 5-10 percet toltenek el autonkent. Ha Bors-nal is igy menne napokig allnanak az autok. Szegyen!
Typical small village border arrives where the nose in their boredom shifts 5-10 minutes autonomously. If Bors were to go like this, the cars would stay for days. Shame!
Анна Мельчукова on Google

Without queue or any other obvious reason they kept our russian car for more than 1 hour although for any other car any procedure didn't take more than 5 minutes. It was long enough so that any vignette shop in Romania would close and we couldn't buy it. Come on guys :( Не было суперочередей, нашу русскую машину попросили поставить на стоянку, забрали наши документы и мы больше часа ждали не пойми, чего. Виньетка не продается, а магазины с ними в ближайших населенных пунктах закрываются в 19:00. Вот до этого момента на границе нас и продержали. Некруто=(
Without queue or any other obvious reason they kept our russian car for more than 1 hour although for any other car any procedure didn't take more than 5 minutes. It was long enough so that any vignette shop in Romania would close and we couldn't buy it. Come on guys :( There were no super queues, they asked our Russian car to park, they took our documents and we waited more than an hour for not understanding what. The vignette is not for sale, and shops with them in the nearest settlements close at 19:00. Until that moment, they kept us on the border. Necruto = (
Móga Bence on Google

Gyors átvizsgálás, nincs tele fekvőrendőrrel. Román útdíj az első településen váltható. Ahogy beérsz, egyből balra egy ki parkoló rész van az épület előtt… elsőre elmentem mellette. 2 kis méretű ablak van a falon, jobb oldalin kopogj. 2-3 perc alatt megvolt. Szgk-ra 15 lei volt. 7 napos… Utak átlagosak, vagy az alatt egy kicsivel. ?✌️
Péter Forgács on Google

Nice place
Tudor Breban on Google

As always, the border police is abusing it's powers. Four cars 30 min because they need to chat on the phone...
Alex Koe on Google

Crossing the border took me about 5 minutes, and I got a free alcohol test by the hungarian police officer. I have never experienced such untrustworthy and wornout device in my life. First I thought they want to scan my face. Unexpectedly officiers seemed not to be capable to speak english, but some important words like "document" and "alcohol".
Annie Kovacs on Google

I was guided by the GPS, trying to cross the border from Hungary to Romania at this border. Little before 6 am, heading towards my moms birth place, a small village from Romania, her last wish before she passed away, so we went to her funeral. Everywhere was dark, no illuminated sign letting us know we are actually at the border. I stooped because of a .. road closed sign.. beside a completely dark little house Then looking about 200 metres away, I could see a little house illuminated, and I start driving around when a bunch of Hungarian border patrols start running outside from another dark place ( I’m assuming they were asleep) and the lights of my car might wake them up... idk They tried to give me a fine, $5000 Hungarian currency, I refused and I asked to speak with a supervisor. It’s inadmissible to be at the border, and didn’t see any signs showing you are there, everywhere dark ( except the Romanian side, congratulation to the Romanian border patrols, they were very polite and great customer service ) . The Hungarian border patrol excuse was that we were suppose to know, they’re schedule it’s only from 6 am. There was no signs of a schedule, somewhere nearby.. or something to tell us .. it’s a border .. good by Hungary, welcome Romania or clearly showing to travellers from other countries. Myself traveling from Canada , it was like we are in dark ages. They dropped the fine, without seeing the supervisor, we crossed without any trouble .

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