Magyarország igazi legkeletibb pontja. - Garbolc

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Contact Magyarország igazi legkeletibb pontja.

Address :

4976 Hungary

Categories :

4976 Hungary
Attila Erdős on Google

Marczy80 on Google

Biciklitúrán jártam erre. Érdekes hely, csend van, nincs tömeg, ott tartózkodásom alatt is talán öt emberrel találkoztam. Az ukrán határjelhez nem mentem át, nem kockáztattam meg, hogy tiltott határátlépés miatt elkapjanak, mert ha ez megtörténik, annak azért elég komoly következménye van. Úgyhogy javaslom, hogy senki ne menjen át Ukrajnába csak azért, hogy lefényképezze az ukrán Túr jelet!!!
I went on a bike tour for this. It is an interesting place, there is silence, there is no crowd, I met maybe five people during my stay there. I did not go to the Ukrainian border, I did not risk being caught crossing the border illegally, because if that happens, it will have quite serious consequences. So I suggest that no one goes over to Ukraine just to take a picture of the Ukrainian Tour sign !!!
Attila Szűcs on Google

Keleti ponttol keletebre a hármas határnál. Magyar - Ukrán - Román. Magyar oldal meg eleg rendezett. A szomszédok kissé nagyon elhanyagolva.
East of the east at the triple boundary. Hungarian - Ukrainian - Romanian. The Hungarian side is quite tidy. The neighbors are a bit very neglected.
Curtis Good on Google

Well it was a nice walk...about half way back had a border patrol car come up and question me...which was hard not knowing Hungarian and service little spotty in the area. Kinda sucks you can't actually step over to Romania since it's over the river. Then after I got back to my car...I had the police and border patrol waiting on me to question me again!

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