Marshlands of Szőce - Szőce

4.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Marshlands of Szőce

9935 Hungary
Adrienn Görög on Google

Sokkal jobban meg lehetne csinálni, ilyeneknek kéne támogatás! Sajnos mi nyár közepén lápot keveset láttunk, de így is érdekes. Az apró Szőce patak medre mellett haladva pedig igazi mocsárban találhatja magát az ember, bokáig süppedve még aszályos időszakban is. A "hidak" meggondolatlanul hosszában lerakott lécekkel készültek, kissé veszélyesek ezek a pallók így. Az ötlet jó, fejlesztésre érdemes.
It could be done much better, they need support! Unfortunately, we saw little bogs in the middle of summer, but it’s still interesting. Passing by the riverbed of the small Szőce stream, one can find oneself in a real swamp, sinking to the ankles even in drought. The "bridges" were made with thoughtlessly laid down slats, these planks are a bit dangerous this way. The idea is good, worth developing.
Eszter Majzik on Google

Érdekes látnivaló, jó érzés tudni, hogy megőrzik és bemutatják ezeket a természeti értékeket. Viszonylag gyorsan körbejárható.
It is an interesting sight, it feels good to know that these natural values ​​are preserved and presented. It can be walked around relatively quickly.
Vince Németh on Google

Awesome place. I recommend it.
Christina Isabella on Google

Beautiful place. ?
Lajos Pinter on Google

Don't expect a long hiking in the wild, the whole track will take about 1 hour even if you watch every single spiderweb like we did.
fargobryce on Google

A charming little marshland, home to a few rare species. Most spectacular in May when it's in full lush blooming. Come and visit when the guides of the National Park give an excellent tour.
Sándor Zsolt Sipos on Google

Wish it was longer a path! Go in the morning to avoid tourist, so you can enjoy nature at its best. Calming, nice and quiet surroundings. Make sure you don’t leave the marked path to preserve the marshland.
Martin Helembai on Google

Unfortunately, the marshland is no longer a marshland. There is no water under the path, it's dried out and plants that used to thrive here are dying out. The path is really short and there's really not a ton of things to see. There's a tourist center at the entrance where you can buy merchendise and see the museum. Next to the building, there's a man-made modell of the evolution of a marshland, showing how it should've looked like.

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