Móritz Miklós kárpitos mester - Móritz Miklós kárpitos mester

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Contact Móritz Miklós kárpitos mester

Address :

Kőszegi u. 5, 9700 Hungary

Phone : 📞 +978
Postal code : 5
Website : http://www.moritzkft.hu/
Categories :

Kőszegi u. 5, 9700 Hungary
Balazsovics Sikamika on Google

Sajnos nem jutottunk el a megrendelesig. Hivtam telefonon, ami teljesen normalis hangnemben zajlott. Bar elso beszelgetes alkalmaval teljesen mast mondott mint a masodik alkalmaval. Elsore o mondta h lehet h az egyik ulesbol lehet menteni bort igy potolni a masik szakadasat. Mondeo mk3 ulesekrol lett volna szo, mivel torott volt jelenlegi vezeto oldali vaz ezert szerettem volna ha az anyos ules jelenlegi huzatat atrakja arra. Majd a egy masik vazra ami elektromos, (ezert vettem pluszban) felhuzza a bort. Igazabol semmi tampontom nem volt, ezert kertem a segitseget de azt mondta irjak e-mailt. Meg is tortent. Nulla reakcio... 1 het mulva hivtam h erdeklodnek. Erre h hat o kapott valami e-mailt de o azzal nem tud mit kezdeni. Komolytalan, se nev se telefonszam. Kerdem en mire kene ha eloszor ugyis leirja h ahogy tolem kerte h hogyan tudja megoldani. De arra se vette a faradtsagot, csak h valami vicces e-mailcimrol jott az e-mail. (Balazsovics Sikamika a nev es egy majom a kep) Az h valaki 40 eves letere nem egy befordult megkeseredett szar, ha hiba, hat sajnalom. Majd legkozelebb csinalok egy oltonyos fotot az uriembernek es cegnevet irok oda, hatha komolyan vesz. "Szia, telefonos beszelgetesre hivatkozva kuldom a kepeket. A felbor ulesek vazaira kene feltenni az uj huzatot. Az anyos ules teljesen jo, csak at kell rakni. A vezeto oldal problemas. Gondoltam arra is h ami mentheto az egyikbol, pl anyos ules felbor parnazat azt atmenteni. Ha nem stimmelnenek a szinek ami 99% hogy nem fog akkor arra is gondoltam hogy mindket ules azonos reszeit cserelni, igy nem olyan feltuno. Illetve mi van ha komplett elso azaz ulofeluletet cserelnenk. Csak otletelek illetve nyilvan ar fuggo. A kalaptartot csak azert kuldom, hogy ha az is be lenne borozve akkor arra adj 1 arat kerlek, mert akkor lehet h marad az a valtozat h rendelunk hasonlo bort hozza. Elore is koszonom a valaszt." Mivel elso alkalommal azt mondta h nem lesz szin azonossag es nagy tabla bort tud csak rendelni, hat gondoltam a kalaptartot is behuzatom. Epp h nem rohogott ki... Hat olyan gep max Nemetorszagban van. Mondom neki h ez szuper de nekem ezt honnet kene tudnom, ha nem vagyok karpitos. Azt meg h miert akartam oda bort, hat azert kedves karpitos "mester" mert kutyam van es mindig felugrik es konyebb a bort letorolni mint a szort porszivozni. Mondom neki h lehet h eloszor akkor kene valaszolni h, nm tudja megoldani csak komplett athuzassal es a kalaptarto nem megy es akkor en is tudok mit reagalni. De nehez volt ezt a par sort leirni... Innet mar kikerte maganak h kioktatom mikozben o oktatott engem h mit kepzelek magamrol kb... Remelem masoknak tobb szerencseje lesz ezzel a bekepzelt mitugrasszal....
Unfortunately, we didn't get to the order. I called on the phone, which was completely normal. Bar first speaks on his first talk as much as he could on the occasion. He said first p h h can be saved in one seat wine so to make up for the Another tear. It would have been Mondeo mk3 ulesekrol, because I had wanted to miss the current driver's vase, if the mother ules unleashed the current draft. Then a massive vase that is electric, (I bought a plus) drives the wine. True Abol any hint was not, so I asked for his help but he said I should write an e-mail. It is happening. Zero Reaction ... After 1 week, I called h fortune. He's got some e-mails for this but he can't do anything about it. Frivolous, neither named nor phone number. I ask what use anyway when we first described h h as requested of it knows how to solve. But he did not take the cabbage, but the e-mail came from some funny email. (Balazsovich Sikamika is the name and a monkey of the kep) The someone's 40-year-old cadence is not a twisted bitter crap, if it is a mistake, six disgust. Next time I will make a suit PHOTOS gentleman writers and forth and company, it can take seriously. "Hi, leaning on the hips, referring to telephone conversation. You would have to put a new draft on the vases of the owl ules. The mother ules are completely on, you just have to put it on. The leader's side is problematic. I also thought about what could be saved from one, eg mother ules felbor parnazat If you do not feel the colors that are 99% that you will not, then I also thought that to replace all the same ules of the same, so it is not so uplifted, or what if you replace a complete first, ulofelulet. so if i'd be bored, then give me 1 reap, because then you can have that variation h we order a similar wine. Since for the first time he said he wouldn't have the same color and he could just order a big tabla of wine, I thought I'd put the hat in. Epp h didn't rush out ... There are six gep maxs in Nemetor. I'm telling him this is super but I know this honnet if I'm not a karpite. That's why I wanted wine there, six nice karpitos "masters" because I have a dog and always jumps up and grumbles the wine as dust is vacuumed. I tell her h can h be the first time you can hate h, nm can solve only complete athuzas and the calender does not go and then i can also know what to do. But there was no need to write this par line ... Innet mared herself out and taught me how o taught me what I was thinking about myself ... Remains masks will have more luck with this cramped miter.

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