Rossmann Drogéria - Rossmann Drogéria

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Rossmann Drogéria

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Sashalmi tér 3, 1163 Hungary

Phone : 📞 +98898
Postal code : 3
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Sashalmi tér 3, 1163 Hungary
Istvánné Monori-Kiss on Google

Sajnos már többször tapasztaltam, hogy nem segítőkészek az eladók. A pénztárban ülő hölgyek pedig mogorvák.
Unfortunately, I have repeatedly found that sellers are not helpful. And the ladies sitting at the checkout are sullen.
Zoltán Tóth on Google

Sokszor vásárolok itt. Mindig van minden,kedvessek az eladók.
I buy here many times. There is always everything, dear sellers.
Edéné Maros on Google

Hatarozott vasarlasi céllal erkeztem az üzletbe. Nem sokan voltak a penztarnal, megvártam mig fizetnek es utana megkerdeztem, hogy merrefelé keressem a "bőr-gyalut". Nagyon rendes volt a hölgy, mert azonnal odavezetett, kivalasztottam es mar jöttem is ki. Nagyon meg voltam elegedve. Köszönöm szépen.
I arrived at the store for a limited shopping purpose. There weren't many people with the penny, I waited until they paid and then asked me where to look for the "leather planer". The lady was very normal, because she led me there immediately, I selected her and I came out. I was very pleased. Thank you very much.
Erika Szigeti on Google

A lányomtól ma második alkalommal sem voltak hajlandok atvenni a visszárút, úgy, hogy az elállasi nyilatkozatot kitöltve vitte magaval, mondván, hogy a főnök éppen nem ér rá. Az ügyfélszolgálat meg azt az infót adta, hogy azzal a papírral barki a boltból visszaveheti a weben vasarolt terméket.
For the second time today, they refused to take my return from my daughter, taking the withdrawal form with her, taking it with her, saying that the boss was not just reaching for it. The customer service provided the information that with that paper, Barki could take back the product he had bought on the web from the store.
Márton Balogh on Google

A macska nagyon udvariatlan volt, azt hittem őszintén barátkozik, de csak kaját akart (pedig így is túlsúlyos)
The cat was very rude, I thought he was honestly friends, but he just wanted food (even though he was still overweight)
Ratimovszky Nelli on Google

Egy hölgy van, akivel már többször volt szerencsém a pénztárnál találkozni. Valószínűleg nem vagyok neki szimpatikus, mert minden alkalommal valamiért sajnos kioktató, sőt türelmetlen és ajánlom ne kérdezzenek tőle, mert a válasz nincs ínyére. Sajnálom. Amúgy az üzlet rendben van és mindenki más kedves.
Erika Kapeller on Google

Very friendly staff
Red Herring on Google

I used to like going here. The place used to be quiet, well stocked and civilised. However: in my past visits there I noticed that there are 2-3 shop assistants who absolutely don't know how to behave: they do not talk to each other, they are constantly screaming. They endlessly talk and laugh between themselves on a very loid voice, completely ignoring the customers. Today I heard against my will about 2 shop assistants' holiday plans, as well as about the summer camp plans related to the kids (Milán and Demetra). These ladies need a serious training about communication in presence of clients. Not only that their constant screaming to each other across the shelves is extremely disturbing (first of all, there was no need for this screaming at all, they were 2 meters from each other), but in the same time the one stuffing shelves was not stopping from her endless talk to the cashier while I was trying to talk to the cashier. Altogether, they should learn to behave like they left the village's kocsma. I wouldn't have written this review, if this screaming behaviour would not be a repetitive situation in this shop. This is even more disturbing, as 1-1.5 years ago, when this shop opened, I apprecatied it exactly for the quietness and the nice staff it used to have. PS: none of the shop assistants was wearing a mask. When a customer asked whether the mask is not mandatory, the cashier ansered "well it is, but in fact it isn't", and then she launched into a loud discussion. With the other screaming colleague about the discomfort of the masls

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