Star Park Parkoló - Star Park Parkoló

4.1/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Star Park Parkoló

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Vígszínház u. 3, 1137 Hungary

Phone : 📞 +99
Postal code : 3
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Vígszínház u. 3, 1137 Hungary
Lajos Szabó on Google

Kicsit drágább, mint a felszíni parkolás, de legalább van hely.
Slightly more expensive than surface parking, but at least there is room.
István Biró on Google

Ez egy lehúzós, becsapós parkoló. Aki teheti minden esetben kerülje el. Egy teljes órát felszámoltak pluszba az egyébként sem olcsó parkolásra. A parkoló helyek kicsik, annyira "optimalizált" a parkolóhely, hogy amikor 3 autó beáll egymás mellé, nem lehet ki és beszállni Senki ne álljon meg ide az autójával.
This is a pulling down, tricky parking. Those who can avoid in any case. the dismantling of one full hour plus the cost of parking in any way. The parking spaces are small, the parking space is so "optimized" that when 3 cars are parked next to each other it is impossible to get in and out No one here to stop the car.
Petr Koutnik on Google

Parkoviště téměř v centru, jako všude v podzemí málo místa, musí se jet opatrně. Naše nejdražší parkování 400ft/30 minut. S ohledem na umístění jsme cenu neřešili. Doporučuji tomu, kdo chce mít centrum na dosah a nehledat parkování na ulici. Jen obsluha, 70lety stařec by mohl mít základy cizího jazyka :,-)
Parking almost in the center, as everywhere in the underground little space, you have to drive carefully. Our most expensive parking is 400ft / 30 minutes. Due to the location, we did not address the price. I recommend it to those who want to have the center within reach and not look for parking on the street. Just a staff, a 70-year-old could have the basics of a foreign language:, -)
László Árva on Google

Drága! De mivel a felszinen szinte lehetetlen szabad parkolóhelyet találni, hát ez van. A hopp-mester kérdezte, hogy a szinházba megyek-e. Mondtam, hogy nem, erre leküldött a -3 szintre. Tehát a jelszó: szinházba megyek. Így nem kell a Föld középpontjáig leautózni.
Expensive! But since it’s almost impossible to find a free parking space on the surface, that’s it. The hopp master asked if I was going to the theater. I said no, that's what he sent me to level -3. So the password is: I'm going to the theater. So you don’t have to drive down to the center of the Earth.
Balázs Beszedics on Google

Amennyire szűkös annyira forgalmas volt ma este. Kifelé és befelé is ugyanarra kell menni, aminek köszönhetően az egyik kanyarba a szembeforgalom miatt eléggé a falhoz kellett húzódni. Ennek az lett a vége, hogy sikerült meghúzni a kocsi oldalát. Két csillag csak azért mert találtunk egy (baromi szűk) helyet a -2. szinten.
How cramped it was so busy tonight. You have to go out and in the same way, which made you have to pull enough to the wall in one of the bends due to the oncoming traffic. The end of it was that the side of the car was pulled. Two stars just because we found a (damn tight) place in -2. also.
HUNMagnum on Google

Nice little underground carpark. Looks tiny but there is space for everything. Manned amd surveillance cameras looking over the spot. A bit expensive but it's downtown, right? Paying the ticket is a bit complicated by card but other then that it's just fine.
Wojciech Kopciuch on Google

Good that the watch man speaks either German or English. It is really appreciated because Hungarian language is quite challenging ;-) do not miss the information above entrance gate that for people who do not stay in the hotel it is not allowed to park on levels -1 & -2. More English version of signs/descriptions on doors, walls etc. would be appreciated :) if your car is big like eg. SUV maybe it's not the best place for you :-P
Laszlo Mark Csiki on Google

Beware! Entrance to the underground parking is narrow because there is some kind of raised pavement on either side, once through the gate things don’t get better, each parking space is very thin, if you have to park between cars it is mostly in possibility to get out of you vehicle without opening the door onto the car next to you. I can back after a meeting in the area to find a big deep dent on my car, I asked the parking attendant if there are any cameras pointed towards my vehicle, but she was very unhelpful full with her reply being she cannot rewind any footage from the security cameras. This begs the question why are there even security camera if you can’t record, or this is how helpful people are! Either way park there with the knowledge if any damage or brake in happens to your vehicle, you will have no record of it and no help from the parking company.

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