Tanne - Tanne

3.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Tanne

Address :

Esze Tamás u. 6, 2092 Hungary

Phone : 📞 +979
Postal code : 6
Categories :

Esze Tamás u. 6, 2092 Hungary
Виктория Нагорная on Google

Комната 3/3, как камера одиночка, да только мы тут двое пытаемся жить. Плесень везде! В хлеву у животных намного лучше! Все фото, которые я приложила, на сайт не выложили. Страшно смотреть!!!
Room 3/3, like a solitary cell, but only the two of us are trying to live here. Mold is everywhere! The crib in animals is much better! All the photos that I attached were not posted to the site. It's scary to watch !!!
Margit Horváth on Google

Most nem tudom ki uzemelteto de!!! Az a román nő egy zsarnok!! Mindent meg etett az emberekkel, aki volt és főzött. Gyalázatos ahogyan a kollégával bánt!! 1 év egy örökké valóság volt. Köszönöm soha nem kérek belőle!! Undorító!!!!!!!
Now I do not know who is raised but !!! That Romanian woman is a tyrant !! He fed all the people who were and cooked. Disgusting as he treated his colleague !! 1 year was an eternal reality. Thank you never ask me !! Disgusting!!!!!!!
Владимир Масловский on Google

Уютное и домашнее место. Как для отеля могло бы быть неплохо,НО! Несколько последних лет это рабочее общежитие,соответственно из отеля это место превратилось в общагу. Короче говоря всё очень печально.
Cozy and homely place. How nice for a hotel, BUT! Over the past few years, this is a working hostel, respectively, this place has turned from a hotel into a hostel. In short, everything is very sad.
Владислав Билык on Google

Плохо, комендант без ведома лазит по комнатате , роиться в вещах
Bad, the commandant climbs around the room without knowing, swarming in things
Héjja Róbert on Google

Minden tökéletes! Csak ajánlani tudom mindenkinek!
Everything is perfect! I can only recommend to everyone!
Dag Philip Lango Thorbjørnsen on Google

Fantastic service, and excellent food.
Mario K on Google

not so bad
Koray Eren on Google

Worst/dirtiest/dustiest hotel all around the world.no phone/hair dryer/air conditioner is available in the rooms.the furniture's are min 30 years old.You don't pay even 1 euro per night to stay here. God damn the tour organiser ( BTB tour ) who book this hotel for 13 Turkiah tourists.

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