the training station - the training station

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Contact the training station

Address :

Teréz krt. 23, 1067 Hungary

Postal code : 23
Categories :

Teréz krt. 23, 1067 Hungary
Imre Horvath on Google

leyon Brak on Google

Imre Szabó on Google

A szállásra megérkezve derült ki, hogy a szobákon nincs ablak, a berakott mobilklíma forró levegőt fújt, bent a szobában 31 fok volt. A szoba koszos, lelakott, büdös volt, a bookingon látott fényképek alapján fel sem lehetett ismerni. Kértük a szoba cseréjét, mondták sehol nincs ablak és klíma. Ezután kértük , hogy valamekkora összeget kérünk vissza, mert a szoba a leírásnak nem megfelelő, 31 fokban levegő nélkül nem lehet aludni. Nem adtak vissza semmit, számlát adni nem tudtak, emailben ígérték a kiküldését, amit azóta is várunk. Igy a booking felé igazolni se tudjuk, hogy a kifizetés helyeben megtörtént. Mindenki válasszon másik helyet!!!
Arriving at the accommodation, it turned out that there were no windows in the rooms, the built-in mobile climate blew hot air, there were 31 degrees inside the room. The room was dirty, inhabited, smelly, not even recognizable by the photos seen on the booking. We asked to change the room, they said there was no window and no air conditioning. We then asked that we ask for some refund because the room is not as described and it is not possible to sleep at 31 degrees without air. They did not return anything, they could not give an invoice, they promised to send it by email, which we have been waiting for ever since. Thus, we cannot prove to the booking that the payment was made correctly. Everyone choose a different place !!!
gabriele bedolo on Google

NON PRENOTATE QUI MAI! Viaggiamo ormai da anni, abituati a tenda, campeggio, camper, ostelli in camerata e bagni in comune. Posto a dir poco terrificante che non corrisponde assolutamente a quanto riportato su Booking e a dir la verità anche le 3,5 stelle di Google sono assolutamente immeritate. Molto sporco, trasandato, il riscaldamento è probabilmente rotto ed è fisso sui 25-30°C e nonostante i ventilatori e l'aria condizionata (che anch'essa non funziona) risulta impossibile dormire anche per colpa del letto che è pessimo come i cuscini. Il bagno poi come vedete dalle foto allegate è osceno. Siamo cascati nella fretta del proprietario che ci ha mollato le chiavi in mano e in due minuti se n'è andato e non abbiamo avuto modo di guardare nulla (anche perché nemmeno il lampadario funzionava, dunque c'erano solo le bajour da comodino). A completare il quadretto sotto la camera un ristorante Turco che penetrando prepotentemente nella stanza con rumori e profumi mi ha catapultato per un attimo nel centro di Istanbul. Una dei proprietari, oltretutto, si è rifiutata di rimborsarci la tariffa completa ma su quattro notti prenotate ed una usufruita, forse, ce ne rimborserà solamente una.
DO NOT BOOK HERE EVER! We have been traveling for years now, accustomed to tents, campsites, campers, dormitory hostels and shared bathrooms. A terrifying place, to say the least, which absolutely does not correspond to what is reported on Booking and to tell the truth even the 3.5 stars of Google are absolutely undeserved. Very dirty, unkempt, the heating is probably broken and is fixed at 25-30 ° C and despite the fans and the air conditioning (which also does not work) it is impossible to sleep also because of the bed which is as bad as the pillows . The bathroom then as you can see from the attached photos is obscene. We fell into the haste of the owner who gave us the keys in hand and in two minutes he was gone and we did not have the opportunity to look at anything (also because the chandelier was not working either, so there were only the bedside bajours). To complete the picture under the room, a Turkish restaurant that forcefully penetrating the room with noises and perfumes catapulted me for a moment into the center of Istanbul. One of the owners, moreover, refused to refund the full rate but on four nights booked and one used, perhaps, will refund us only one.
Felix Egger on Google

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