Záhonyi Határátkelőhely vasúti

2.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Záhonyi Határátkelőhely vasúti

Address :

Határátkelőhely közúti, 4625 Hungary

Phone : 📞 +
Categories :
City : Határátkelőhely közúti

Határátkelőhely közúti, 4625 Hungary
Dushan Bercik on Google

István Nagy on Google

Yuriy photo on Google

Туалет 0.5 €, можно покурить.
Toilet 0.5 €, you can smoke.
Marczy80 on Google

Bakancslistán volt, kipipálva. Bringatúrám vége felé mentem fel a hídhoz. Még messziről láttam egy vonatot, amint éppen ment át Ukrajnába, szóval csak pár perccel késtem le. A híd érdekessége a fonódó vágány. A széles vágányt is használják, de nem rendszeresen, kicsit meg volt kopva az is. A hidat meg lehet nézni, de előtte nagyon erősen ajánlott a határrendészetnek telefonon szólni. Én is így tettem, és senki nem jött kérdezősködni, mert a telefon miatt tudtak rólam, és hát nyilvánvaló, hogy a híd előtti kamerán keresztül figyeltek. A hídra viszont tilos felmenni, mert az már szabálysértés, nem beszélve az esetleges határsértésről, hiszen ne feledjük, hogy itt húzódik az EU, és a Schengeni Övezet külső határa. Nem utolsó sorban Ukrajna keleti részén háború van.

Wow, what an arrogant attitude of the boarder officers ??? Nobody speaks English at the EU boarder?! Wow !!! Just disgraceful what my family went through. Avoid at all cost!
urchub on Google

No one speaks any other language but Hungarian and little bit of bad bad Russian... Attitude of people working there is peachy... Every time I am going there I have a filling like I an not support be there... Maby it is just have Hungarian hospitality.... Any way buuuuuuuuuuuu...
Lyubomyr Pashkovskyy on Google

Absolutely arrogant, uneducated border control officers, they don’t know any other language other than Hungarian. Waiting time is unacceptable! Cannot believe it is EU.

If I could put 0 stars I would! We have had absolutely horrible experience at Zahony border crossing point. We have just crossed the border from Ukraine to Hungary. Waiting line was 18 hours and up for some people, that’s beyond any reasonable time. Simply unacceptable for people to be treated like this. There were cars full of kids and elderly people. Per Ukrainian officers not more than 100 cars crossed in the last 12 hours and there couldn’t let anyone any faster because it is up to your border. When we passed the Ukrainian passport control, Hungarian officers took over 5 hours to check less than 10 cars in-front of us. They were laughing, smoking, and chatting with each. They were doing everything, but working and nobody was trying to make the line go faster. Finally, when we were the one checked, NOBODY spoke English, not even at the entry level. They were absolute incompetent, rude, disrespectful, uneducated mean officers. The minute they checked our passports they were laughing and speaking Hungarian language. Waving hands and trying to explain to us in sign language with mean faces and laughing between each other. I’m at 6th month pregnant and waited over 12 hours at the border, when I asked her what is the problem and why it is taking so long and what is so funny, they asked me if I want to get in the end of the line?! What kind of people work there?! What kind of customer service?! Why people are treated like this? What kind of standards are these? It makes your border and the first impression of the whole country very very mean and very uneducated. If this is how you treat other people this only shows what kind of people you are.

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