Bors 2 - Nagykereki

2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Bors 2 - Nagykereki

Address :

4127 Hungary

Categories :
City : Nagykereki

4127 Hungary
sorin marius magda on Google

Locul ăsta e o rusine pentru UE!!! Azi am avut un camion care a stat 7 ore să treca in Hu.cineva ar trebui să ia măsuri.
This place is a shame for the EU !!! Today I had a truck that stayed 7 hours to pass in Hu. Someone should take action.
pop Sorin on Google

Pentru 2022 trecerea de frontieră este extrem de lentă și fără personal suficient, funcționează de nivelul anilor 2005-2010, fără nici o exagerare
By 2022 the border crossing is extremely slow and without enough staff, it works from the level of the years 2005-2010, without any exaggeration
The Blockchainer on Google

Am fost in Romania in vara si am intrat si am iesit din tara fara probleme. Si vamesii unguri si cei romani s-au comportat impecabil. Vama este nou nouta si poti sa-ti cumperi vignete de Ungaria si Austria in acelasi loc. In plus nu am stat deloc la coada... era liber peste tot (doar 2 masini in fata). Cam 30km inainte de granita, mergi in Ungaria pe o autostrada noua si fara niciun trafic. Mi se pare o alternativa viabila la vama Bors veche.
I was in Romania in the summer and I entered and left the country without problems. Both Hungarian and Romanian customs officers behaved impeccably. Customs is brand new and you can buy vignettes of Hungary and Austria in the same place. In addition, I didn't stand in line at all ... it was free everywhere (only 2 cars in front). About 30km before the border, I go to Hungary on a new highway without any traffic. It seems to me a viable alternative to the old Bors customs.
Gary Gary on Google

Korupcja, korupcję pogania!!!! 20 euro albo kontrol tachografu i całego zestawu... dasz to pojedziesz, nie dasz to będziesz stał bo zawsze coś znajdą!!!! Hallo władze Rumuni i UE gdzie jesteście?!
Corruption, rush corruption !!!! 20 euro or checking the tachograph and the whole set ... give it you will go, you will not give it, you will be standing because they will always find something !!!! Hallo Romanian authorities and the EU, where are you ?!
Coast to Coast Magnum on Google

Nowa granica- strare zwyczaje. Korupcja kwitnie w najlepsze. UWAGA!!! Rumuni czepiają się o brak naklejek z dozwolonymi prędkościami na naczepie ciężarówki! Ciągnąc naczepę skandynawskich spedycji robią na siłę problem z dokumentami, upoważnieniami i próbują wyłudzić pieniądze za rzekomy brak przeglądu! Trzeba ostro z chamami bo jak wyczują strach to nie odpuszczą!
New frontier - old habits. Corruption is booming. ATTENTION!!! Romanians are clinging to the lack of speed limit stickers on the truck's trailer! Pulling a trailer of Scandinavian forwarders, they force a problem with documents, authorizations and try to extort money for the alleged lack of inspection! You have to be hard with bohemians because if they sense fear, they won't let it go!
Ivan Francescato on Google

Si tratta di una dogana e non fa mai piacere dover affrontare questo tipo di controlli. Trattandosi di una dogana al confine della zona Schengen i controlli sono meticolosi. Tuttavia i doganieri di entrambi gli Stati sono stati efficienti e gentili. Hanno effettuato i controlli come da normale protocollo ed abbastanza velocemente.
It is a customs duty and it is never a pleasure to have to go through this type of checks. Since this is a customs house on the border of the Schengen zone, the checks are meticulous. However, the customs officers of both states were efficient and polite. They carried out the checks as per normal protocol and quite quickly.
Dariusz Bolibok on Google

Ta granica to jedna wielka porażka (wyjazd z Rumuni do Węgier) ,pracują tam lenie które robią kolejkę z małej ilości samochodów na długie stanie (jakby to nie była granica UE), Węgierski pogranicznik to cham i burak bez kultury który dodatkowo nie zna przepisów obowiązujących w UE. Chyba nie ma nic gorszego w podróży niż kontakt z Węgierskimi pogranicznikami chamami .Nie polecam
This border is one big defeat (departure from Romania to Hungary), there are lazy people who make a queue from a small number of cars for a long stand (as if it were not the EU border), the Hungarian border guard is a boor and beet without culture who additionally does not know the regulations in force in the EU. I guess there is nothing worse in a trip than contact with Hungarian border guards. I do not recommend it
G Calin on Google

It took 30 seconds to cross the check points. So, it was fast and efficient. You can buy road tax for HU, A, or RO and you can pay cash or card. I didn't understand the bad reviews but the truck queue gave me some answers. And by the way, no COVID test, no green pass needed (don't know for how long)

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