Vama bors 2 - Vama bors 2

3.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Vama bors 2

Address :

E79, 4127 Hungary

Postal code : 79
Categories :

E79, 4127 Hungary
László Kürth on Google

Itt szoktam átmenni Nagyváradra
Here I usually go to Oradea
Olga Chitul on Google

Am trecut repede și toți au fost amabili
We passed quickly and everyone was kind
Matesz Nowacki on Google

Parking nowy to jeszcze czysty ale pod prysznicem już jakiś Rumun ukradł gałkę prysznicową…
New parking is still clean, but a Romanian has already stolen a shower knob in the shower ...
Stefan Marius Popa on Google

Alte lefuri groase pe degeaba la baieti cu multa scoala ?
Other thick stuff in vain for boys with a lot of school ?
Vladutiu Annamaria on Google

Coada scurta ,timp lung de asteptare. Din 4 ghisee functioneaza doar unul.
Short tail, long waiting time. Out of 4 counters, only one works.
Sąsiad on Google

Parking z wieloma miejscami, ale żeby dostać się na niego potrzeba stać w kolejce przed granicą , gdyż innej drogi nie ma. Ogólnie czysto.
Parking with many places, but to get to it you have to queue in front of the border, because there is no other road. Overall clean.
SLAVOMIR on Google

Nekonečná čakacia doba. Kľudne si tu človek stihne spraviť aj Gulaš pokial prejde cez hranicu.
Endless waiting time. You can easily make Gulaš here if he crosses the border.
calin curea on Google

Organizarea la punctul de trecere a frontierei Bors 2 lasa de dorit ( vamesii isi fac treaba cu incetinitorul= cozi de circa 50 min.)
The organization at the Bors 2 border crossing leaves much to be desired (customs officers do their job with the slowdown = queues of about 50 min.)

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