Budapest Post 100 - Budapest Post 100

2.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Budapest Post 100

Address :

Üllői út 114-116, 1101 Hungary

Phone : 📞 +7
Postal code : 114-116
Website :
Categories :

Üllői út 114-116, 1101 Hungary
Ervin Dobri on Google

Slow, incompetent and frustrating.
Aca Balaž on Google

Incompetent delivery guy! He searched twice for my address and he couldn't find it. That's why I needed to go back to the post office on the other side of the city.
Zsolt Mester on Google

They lost my package I ordered from Aliexpress. Official investigation concluded it was lost. I'm glad at least someone is happy with my package.
Richard Homer on Google

I had to go here twice in two days to collect a letter, and to pay a bill. Both times, the staff were very helpful, very patient with me and Google translate. What is very useful is the enquiry machine with an English language option. If you have to wait, no problem; the place is clean, warm, comfortable. M3 Ecseri út
Aleksei Mirkin on Google

They were very nice there. Even though i do not speak Hungarian they explained me what to do. The guy who gave me my package spoke German, so even though i was waiting - it is ok:)
fabal fabal on Google

ENG I really hate this post office. Because this post very huge with 19 or 20 window, but the waiting time for example a pack or a letter, it takes minimum 30 - 45 minutes. You should Pick a number based on your issue and wait, wait, wait. From my apartment to this post it takes 30-40 minutes by public transport, sadly I didn't change this post office to other post office which is nearest to my apartment, this is the rule ?. The workers of the office are disinterested or kindly gentle. Sadly, very very sadly some of them cannot use properly the technologies, for example, sometimes you have a number, wait, wait and your number didn't show up on the display, you go to the machine and get a new number, and wait again. Last time I wait 1hour and travel 1 hours, for a simple letter. I really hate it. But his post office have a huge open hour, 8:00 to 20:00. HUN Ruhellem ezt a helyet. Tele vannak ablakkal, nagyjából az összes működik mégis legalább félórát kell ott ulnod egy csomagért, levelert. A pultban lévők pedig általában közömbösek vagy kedvesek. Sajnos a technikához annyira nem értenek, legutóbb vmi félre ment és huzhattam új sorszámot és kb 1 órát vártam. Erre a várakozásra még rájön az utazás a Borárosról, 2 órába telt átvenni egy nyamvadt levelet. Próbáltam atkérni egy közeli kis postára a dolgot, de nem lehet.Ez a posta, nem lehet lemondani és egy másik szolgáltatóhoz menni sajnos. De legalább 8tol este 8 ig nyitva van.
Rafael Espinha on Google

I'm waiting for an order for over a month and have visited the post office more than once because one of the logistics centres of the magyar post office has forwarded me there and in the last few days the tracking reported that the letter is there. The last time I visited to try to pick up my letter I was well attended in the first service even with communication difficulties because unfortunately no one speaks English which in a post office mainly of that size I consider inadmissible. However on the same visit I had to return to the same person where the lady had to speak with her colleague where in the end they refused to attend me telling me that they did not speak English andfor english that I should call probably the support centre even with me offering to use google translate to Hungarian. In the end they didn't give me my letter.
Bernard Wilmshurst on Google

What a joke this place is, they fail to deliver anything bigger than a letter unless it has to be paid for. They inform Amazon via The German Postal Service that an attempt was made to deliver. This we know is incorrect as we have spoken to them on the phone and they stated that when it arrives at the Post Office, we can collect it as we normally have to. The Hungarian Postal Service is using the Covid as an excuse as to not to deliver. Also, the so call letter stating that we can collect the mail is not in the post box, this is not unusual as the post delivery man is unable to read the correct post boxes and other people mail is often found in our mail box. Lastly at the moment when you have to drive to the Post Office to collect your parcel, after you have collected it the Hungarian Postal Service places on their website that the parcel was successfully delivered. What a bunch of liars. The final instalment, my wife phone the post office today the 20th of December who informed her that the parcel was at the Corvin post office and we could collect it. My wife went, waited in line for over 30 minutes got the parcel and left. On the Hungarian Post website it states that the parcel was successfully delivered. Yes successfully delivered and collected from the post office not successfully delivered to our home which we paid for. Poor service as usual from the Hungarian Post.

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