Felsővízivárosi Szent Anna templom - Felsővízivárosi Szent Anna templom

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

A Fővárosi Szlovák Önkormányzat emléktáblát emelt a felsővízivárosi Szent Anna templomban Viktorin József Károly jeles egyházi személyiség, szlovák nemzetébresztő és művelődésszervező születésének 200. évfordulója alkalmából. Az emléktábla ünnepélyes felavatására 2022. március 20-án, vasárnap, a 11 órakor kezdődő szentmisét követően kerül sor.

Contact Felsővízivárosi Szent Anna templom

Address :

Batthyány tér 7, 1011 Hungary

Phone : 📞 +
Postal code : 7
Website : http://felsovizivaros.plebania.hu/
Categories :
Description : Baroque church built in the 1700s, with 2 towers & many paintings, including ceiling murals.

Batthyány tér 7, 1011 Hungary
Gabi Fari on Google

Beautiful church and music, but a drunk man sitting in the pew behind us got sick. When one of the parishioners pointed it out to one of the ushers to have it cleaned up, he turned and sat back down. All ushers sat in the front. Most churches ushers stay in the back to help patrons find seats, and help elderly etc.... I know this is a minor thing, but it was a major distraction nonetheless.
Carl Beltran on Google

Organ music, quiet place for prayer, no distraction. The church exterior looks deceptively simple but the interior is magnificent. Located next to Batthyany ter tram and bus station. I wish they can publish mass schedule in English.
Michael G. Habib on Google

This is a historical place, probably from 14th century.
Kristis LTU on Google

Small and cosy church. Its great for a short stop along the way
William Anderson on Google

A Beautiful old church indeed! I wish that we could have attended a mass there.
ys i on Google

Feeling so blessed to attend Christmas midnight Mass here. There was 45' of pipe organ recitals before the Mass started. 2019.
Claudiu on Google

One of my favorite churches in Budapest, it's sad that it has a limited schedule but well worth the wait On the outside it doesn't look like much but the painting and decorations inside are stunning It is also very easy to reach by subway and on a 500 m radius from it there are several other churches worth seeing
Georges Younes on Google

The two towers of Felsővízivárosi Szent Anna are visible from across the river and from the hills of Buda Castle. It's a relatively small church with attractive murals. It's also open to the public at no charge, a rarity in Budapest.

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