Győri zsinagóga - Győri zsinagóga

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Contact Győri zsinagóga

Address :

Kossuth Lajos u. 5, 9025 Hungary

Phone : 📞 +
Postal code : 5
Categories :

Kossuth Lajos u. 5, 9025 Hungary
Luděk V on Google

Synagoga v Győru je nádherná, škoda, že jsme se nedostali do interiéru.
The synagogue in Győr is beautiful, it's a pity we didn't get inside.
Ali Fa on Google

Die Große Synagoge von Győr würde um 1870 errichtet. In den 20er Jahren des 20 Jahrhunderts wurde sie nochmal erweitert, um der wachsenden jüdischen Gemeinde gerecht zu werden. Die Dezimierung der jüdischen Gemeinde in Győr (ca. 5000 ermordete Juden) führte zum Verfall der Synagoge. Erst mit dem Fall des Eisernen Vorhangs begannen umfangreiche Sanierungsmaßnahmen. Die Synagoge wird nicht mehr als Gotteshaus genutzt, sondern dient als Veranstaltungsort für Konzerte oder Ausstellungen. Man kann gegen eine kleine Gebühr (700 FL.) die Synagoge auch von innen besichtigen. The Great Synagogue of Győr was built around 1870. In the 20's of the 20th century. It was extended again due to the growing Jewish community. The decimation of the Jewish community in Győr during the Holocaust (about 5000 murdered Jews) led to the decay of the synagogue. After the fall of the Iron Curtain extensive restoration measures began. The synagogue is no longer used as a chapel, but as a venue for concerts or exhibitions. For a small fee (700 FL.) the synagogue can also be visited from the inside.
The Great Synagogue of Győr was built around 1870. In the 20s of the 20th century it was expanded again to do justice to the growing Jewish community. The decimation of the Jewish community in Győr (approx. 5000 murdered Jews) led to the synagogue's decline. Only with the fall of the Iron Curtain did extensive renovation work begin. The synagogue is no longer used as a place of worship, but serves as a venue for concerts or exhibitions. You can also visit the inside of the synagogue for a small fee (700 FL.). The Great Synagogue of Győr was built around 1870. In the 20's of the 20th century. It was extended again due to the growing Jewish community. The decimation of the Jewish community in Győr during the Holocaust (about 5000 murdered Jews) led to the decay of the synagogue. After the fall of the Iron Curtain extensive restoration measures began. The synagogue is no longer used as a chapel, but as a venue for concerts or exhibitions. For a small fee (700 FL.) The synagogue can also be visited from the inside.
István Vér on Google

Volt egy fantasztikus koncert. Szombaton megint lesz 4 én 12 órakor.
We had a fantastic concert. It will be again on Saturday 4 at 12 o'clock.
balintszalmas on Google

Eloszor jartunk gyorben (remeljuk nem utoljara) de sajnos nem tudtuk megnezni mert epp a polgarmester tartott valami beszedet
We first went fast (hopefully not the last time) but unfortunately we couldn't see it because the mayor was giving a speech
Юлія Романюк on Google

Нарно, тихо, затишно. В середину не заходили, відбувалась служба.
Narno, quiet, cozy. They didn't come in the middle, there was a service.
istvan gazso on Google

It looks good on the outside closed by pandémiá when I went

Nice, bud you can get in. So nothing to do there.
Giulia on Google

Great building, visible from many parts of the city. Would have been nice to enter.

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