Hertz - Hertz

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Hertz

Address :

Hertz u. 2, 2220 Hungary

Phone : 📞 +999
Postal code : 2
Website : http://www.hertz.hu/
Categories :

Hertz u. 2, 2220 Hungary
András László on Google

Mindennap itt jövök, jófej a kutya, mert még nem harapott meg, annak ellenére se, hogy én megharaptam. A beton út is + pont
I come here every day, the dog is good, because he hasn’t bit me yet, even though I bit him. The concrete road is also + point
Peter Csiza on Google

Ha nem akar az ember átverés áldozatává esni, akkor akármikor is érkezik, kérjen személyes kocsi ellenőrzést átadás-átvétel előtt. Augusztusban béreltem tőlük autót (hertz törzsbérlő létemre, de magyarországon még nem béreltem tőlük), az autó leadásakor nem nézték át, mondván majd másnap megnézik. Egyetlen egy alkalommal sem volt még soha problémám autóbérléskor, sem közigazgatási eljárás sem autó sérülés miatt. 2 hét múlva értesültem a számlámról levont 100 euró jóvoltábol, hogy itt valami történt. Felhívásukkor elmondták, hogy az autó felnije bizony megsérült ezért a 100 euros levonás. Kérdésemre, hogy nem-e esetleg az én általam leadott időpont és az ő általuk ellenőrzött időpont között sérült e a kocsi nem kaptam választ. A hertz magyarországi képviseletéről reklamációmra még azóta sem kaptam választ. Legutóbbi náluk jártamkor kértem a kocsi sérülésének javításáról számlát, amit ma kaptam meg (ami persze nem javítás csak egy árajánlat), közel fél évvel az eset történte óta. Ergo kifizettetek velem egy sérülést amit nem én okoztam, plusz ezt a sérülés ki sem javíttatták. Ez aztán a szemét egy eljárás. Az ügy még folyamatban, nem hagyom annyiban, vissza fogom kapni a 100 eurot kamatosol. Fogyasztóvédelemhez fordulok, majd bíróságra is ha kell!
If you don’t want to fall victim to a scam, whenever you arrive, ask for a personal car check before handing over. I rented a car from them in August (I was a regular tenant of hertz, but I haven't rented from them in Hungary yet), they didn't check it out when the car was handed over, saying they would see it the next day. There has never been a problem with car rental, no administrative procedure, no car injury. 2 weeks later, I learned from the € 100 credit deducted from my account that something had happened here. At the time of their call, they said that the rim of the car had indeed been damaged due to the deduction of 100 euros. My question as to whether or not the car was damaged between the date I submitted and the date they checked was not answered. I have not received a response to my complaint about the representation of hertz in Hungary since then. The last time I visited them, I asked for an invoice for repairing the damage to the car, which I received today (which of course is not a repair just a quote), nearly half a year after the incident happened. Ergo paid me an injury that wasn't caused by me, plus that injury wasn't repaired. This is then rubbish in a procedure. The case is still pending, I will not leave so much, I will get back the 100 euros of interest. I turn to consumer protection and then to court if I have to!
Igor Haszta-Vaszilijev on Google

Naponta Járok el előtte.Nagyon szép épület,gyönyörűen rendezett kert,csodálatos autók. Csak azok a tömött kukák az utcán bűzölögnek egész héten,soha nincsenek behúzva a tároló helyiségbe,borzasztóan lerontják az amúgy rendkívül kulturált összhatást.
I walk in front of it every day. Very nice building, beautifully arranged garden, wonderful cars. Only those crowded bins stink on the street all week, never drawn into the storage room, terribly ruining the otherwise highly cultured overall effect.
G M on Google

Rugalmas, egyben korrekt és fair, Nyugat európai szintű kiszolgálás. Az autó amit kaptunk (Hyundai i10) egy teljesen új kisautó volt, viszont már volt rajta autópályamatrica, és nem csak a bérlés, hanem a visszaadás is teljesen problémamentesen és gyorsan zajlott. Mindenkinek csak ajánlani tudom.
Flexible, at the same time fair and fair, Western European level service. The car we got (Hyundai i10) was a brand new small car, but it already had a highway sticker on it, and not only the rental but also the return was completely hassle-free and fast. I can only recommend it to everyone.
Abe Rubinstein on Google

Be aware, they will charge you for damages you didn’t make , as you can see from the reviews this is the new scam . I didn’t know they pulled a fast one for over $ 140.00 keep your eyes open , if you want to enjoy time and money , look for somewhere else .
David Martinez on Google

They try to scam you when you return the car for damages you did not cause. In my case the Hertz representative noted some small marks in the plastic cover bottom side of the bumper (you can only see them if you put your head behind the car). Now they sent an invoice of 325 EUR for that, I did not cause it, these minor marks are normal use of a car with 20,000 km and they are not visible unless you put your head behind the car. This is a total scam.
Marta Bellandi on Google

Hertz Hungary Unreasonably charged me $325. The license plate fell off after day two just simply driving to my first destination. My father did say that the license plate is attached in a weird way, but we thought Hertz knows what they are doing. Turns out, that is not the case. They offered that I can exchange the car at no cost. Then they called 40 minutes before the agreed time that the car they promised is not available. Then they charged me $325 after my travel. When emailed them requesting a change they referred to the Terms and Conditions. Beware by you doing everything in the agreement and work with them they will still just take your money.
Márta Nagygyörgy on Google

They are not organized. I called Hertz that I have a technical problem with the car. They asked me to solve it. That was surprising but I tried, spent time googling, trying to solve it for them, but it was not my owned car so not possible to get it serviced that way. Then after the 3rd call Hertz offered that they exchange the car the next day. Then 40 minutes before the agreed time they called that they hope I have not on my way because they don't have the car. Then they charged me later for the technical problem.

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