Hódmezővásárhelyi SZC Szentesi Pollák Antal Technikum - Hódmezővásárhelyi SZC Szentesi Pollák Antal Technikum

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Contact Hódmezővásárhelyi SZC Szentesi Pollák Antal Technikum

Address :

Apponyi tér 1, 6600 Hungary

Phone : 📞 +8
Postal code : 1
Website : http://www.pollak.hu/
Categories :

Apponyi tér 1, 6600 Hungary
Richárd Tamás Törőcsik on Google

Róbert Czinka on Google

Tamás Jutasi on Google

Brúnó szebeni on Google

Alexandra Varga on Google

GDev on Google

Elmegy, szakmai oktatás nem a legjobb, de legalább érettségit ad
He leaves, vocational education is not the best, but at least he gives a baccalaureate
digimacska17 on Google

Jó kis iskola. Éretségit ad de a szakmát nehezen lehet tanulni eszköz hiány miatt (Elektronika)
Good little school. Gives a relative but the profession is difficult to learn due to lack of equipment (Electronics)
Zoltan Egeresi on Google

1963-67 osztalyban electromuszereszkent vegeztem, a legjobb iskola es oktatas amit el lehetett erni 4 ev alatt.. Az alapoktatassal eredmenyesen tudtam konkuralni Canadai es USA foiskolai vegzettekkel. Kulkereskedelmi service manager is lettem, tobb mint 25 orszagban computert tanitottam 5 nyelven, negy szabadalmam is van az USA-ban, 105 orszagban jartam idaig tobbszor. Az alap tudas utan kell mindig valami ujat tanulni , de ez minden szakmaban van, ambicio es hozzaallas mindenhez segit. Ft-ban boven billiomos lettem, hajra Szentesi Pollak, jobb szinten all az ottani oktatas mint az USA-ban. Zoltan Egeresi, Santa Cruz, California USA.
In 1963-67 I graduated electromedically, the best school and education I could achieve in 4 years. With basic education, I was able to compete successfully with college graduates from Canada and the USA. I have also become a foreign trade service manager, I have taught computers in more than 25 countries in 5 languages, I also have four patents in the USA, I have practiced in 105 countries so far. You always have to learn something new after basic knowledge , but it is in every profession, ambition and approach to everything helps. I became a billionaire in HUF, Szentes Pollak, my education is better than in the USA. Zoltan Egeresi, Santa Cruz, California USA.

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