Hűvösvölgy, Children's Railway - Children's Railway

4.8/5 based on 8 reviews

A vasút maga nemében páratlan látványosság, ahol gyermekek irányítják a vonatok közlekedését. A kisvasút vonala Széchenyihegy állomástól Hűvösvölgyig tart. A két végállomáson túl a vonatok 6 helyen állnak meg menetrendszerűen, Normafán, Csillebércen, Virágvölgyben, Jánoshegyen, Szépjuhásznén és Hárshegyen. A budai hegyvidék kilátói, erdei játszóterei, kegyhelyei és más érdekes pontjai az állomások és megállóhelyek közelében fekszenek.

A fél- vagy egynapos kirándulásra induló családoknak, baráti társaságoknak, iskolás és óvodás csoportoknak kényelmes eljutási lehetőséget biztosítunk az erdei sétautak kiindulási pontjához.

A vasúti közlekedés iránt érdeklődő gyerekek és felnőttek közelről figyelhetik meg járműveinket, létesítményeinket és a gyermekvasutas szolgálatot ellátó pajtásokat. A kisvasutat kezdetektől fogva a MÁV üzemelteti.

Contact Hűvösvölgy, Children's Railway

Address :

Gyermekvasúthoz vezető út 5, 1021 Hungary

Phone : 📞 +979
Postal code : 5
Website : https://gyermekvasut.hu/
Categories :
Description : Opened in 1948, a narrow-gauge railway track running through the Buda Hills, largely manned by kids.

Gyermekvasúthoz vezető út 5, 1021 Hungary
Anja Kučko Braun on Google

If you want a trip down to memory lane on how it was 40-50 years ago to ride a train that is a great way to do it. Bonus is that the ride goes through forrest and you can hop of or on the ride and see the nature and some sights. Sweet thing for kids is that kids are running the stations and they are conductors. You can get to and from every station by public transport.
Kim Hunt on Google

Fun, enjoyable ride through the forest and yesteryear on a vintage train operated splendidly by children... from buying the tickets to calling out the next stop to saluting their colleagues and supervisors at each station. Splendid and impressive!
Diane Dowling on Google

It was wonderful to finally visit this railway - I read about it so many years ago. It was very charming and a lovely escape from the city.
Ervin Dobrai Palamari on Google

Great experience for children and also for adults. A wonderful atmosphere were you can see children doing there 'job' very seriously ! Congrats ! ???
Kai Söderström on Google

5/5 lazy sunday activity to ride on this weird little train up to the hills. On the day’s last train most of the kid operators were already finishing their work days but still the experience was very pleasant. We took the train Viragvolgy and walked a couple km to the chairlift and took it down. Very nice activity, highly recommended!
Nati Cohen on Google

Amazing and fun experience for kids, a train ride in the woods up the mountain with beautiful views. The ushers and station staff are children aged 10-14 except for the locomotive who is not a child (:
Giulia on Google

Interesting initiative. It really seemed a lovely attraction for children/families. During the weekend when I was there it was lively or better packed. It's even nicer to encounter the train passing by while you're walking in the forest.
GMcH64 on Google

£3 return trip through the woods and up to Budapest’s highest point. If you get off ( we got off at Janos Hegy) and had to pay an extra &1.50 each. Don’t argue with the kids it’s only &1.50! Great afternoon out.

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