Kiskunság National Park - Kiskunság National Park

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About Kiskunság National Park

How to approach: The trailhead is on the southern bank of Canal No. 5, where it crosses the side road of Járáspuszta, connecting Routes 52 and 53. After the information sign of the trailhead, the trail goes along the reedy bank of the canal in a southerly direction. Information signs are spaced 400-600 m apart and after 3 km, the trail arrives at a birdwatching bridge, where the trail turns back and leads back to the trailhead on the other bank of the canal.

Length: 6000 m

Recommended gear: comfortable shoes, inconspicuous clothing and a pair of binoculars

Accessible throughout the year but there may be restrictions during breeding season (between March and mid-June)

Language: HU, EN

There are 11 general information signs and two ornithological signs in both Hungarian and English languages.

The Böddi-szék is an important habitat for wetland birds and shorebirds in the Carpathian Basin. The area is located near Dunatetétlen and has an area of more than 700 ha. It is confined by Route 52 in the north, the Kiskunság Regional Canal in the east, Route 53 and a fishpond system in the south, and a local road in west. Some 270 ha of its area is owned and managed by the Dunatáj Nature Conservation and Environmental Protection Public Enterprize.

The most valuable part of the Böddi-szék is the central 250 ha area, which used to be a confluent lake basin. The lake has a very fluctuating water regime. After being grazed, a rich bird fauna occupied it; 154 species have so far been recorded, out of which 52 also breeds here. Legally protected or strictly protected species of the Böddi-szék include Greylag Goose, Kentish Plover, Northern Lapwing, Avocet, Common Redshank, European Stone-Curlew, European Roller, European Bee-eater, White Stork, Common Kestrel, Red-Footed Falcon, Common Buzzard, Marsh Harrier, Eurasian Bittern, Black-winged Stilt and Great Bustard.

A LIFE Nature project, titled “Restoration of Pannonic sodic wetlands in the Kiskunság” is dedicated to the restoration of the original soda lake habitats. For more information, visit

Contact Kiskunság National Park

Address :

Liszt Ferenc u. 19, 6000 Hungary

Phone : 📞 +78
Postal code : 19
Website :
Categories :

Liszt Ferenc u. 19, 6000 Hungary
István Laczikó on Google

Csupa szépség, szebbnél szeb fák, gyönyörű! ?
Beautiful beauty, more beautiful trees, beautiful! ?
Molnár Katalin on Google

Védjük a természetet... zöld folt a Hunyadivárosban.
Protecting nature ... green spot in Hunyadiv.
Nagy Nikolett Tímea on Google

Mindig gyönyörködöm a tájban, ha ott futok ?
I always enjoy the scenery when I run there ?
Péter Palásti on Google

Nagyon ajánlom a Természet Házában berendezett állandó kiállítást!
I highly recommend a permanent exhibition in the House of Nature!
Mau Gosza on Google

Z zewnątrz super ładny i zadbany park, a co dalej nie wiem, nie dane było nam zobaczyć. Pani w środku powiedziała, że zamknięte i mamy sobie iść, żadnych więcej informacji.
From the outside, a nice and well-kept park, and what's next I do not know, it was not possible to see us. The lady inside said she was locked up and we have to go, no more information.
katalin hunyadi on Google

Rendezett kulturált környezet.
Organized cultured environment.
hirlevelem on Google

Szürkemarha borjak beragadása a dagonyába, az gondolom elkerülhetetlen. -DE! ....hogy hétvégén a NP ügyeleti számán is tehetetlenek és abban sem tudnak segiteni, hogy kihez forduljak, már elgondolkodtató. -DE!DE! ...hogy az apajpusztán felkutatott megbízott is -ígérete ellenére - sem tett semmit még 8 óra múlva sem a két borjúért, az szerintem már mulasztás! - Visszavitt este a kisördög -és persze, hogy nem volt más segítség, mint a tűzoltókat hívni! Ennek ellenére nem gondolom, sőt tudom is, hogy nem ez jellemzi a NP munkáját. (Fotók feltöltve) 2015.07.05.
The sting of gray cattle calves in the crane, I think is inevitable. -BUT! .... being helpless and unable to help with who to turn to at the NP's on weekends is thought-provoking. -But! BUT! ... that sought to Apajpuszta in charge despite -ígérete - did nothing even after 8 hours, the two borjúért, I think has been the failure! "The devil took me back in the evening, and of course it was no help other than calling the firefighters!" However, I do not think, or even know, that this is not the case with NP's work. (Photos uploaded) 5/7/2015
Somogyi Edit on Google

A város külső részén bár mégis közel mindenhez egy valódi erdős oázisban található az igazgatóság. Nagyon kellemes munka és látogatói környezetet hoztak létre.
Outside the city, though, the board is close to everything in a real wooded oasis. They created a very pleasant work and visitor environment.

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