Pintér Botanical Garden - Pintér Botanical Garden

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Pintér Botanical Garden

Address :

Tettye tér 9, 7625 Hungary

Phone : 📞 +77
Postal code : 9
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Tettye tér 9, 7625 Hungary
András Oláh on Google

Nem lenne rossz hely, de eleve bő 20 percet kellett várnunk mire a jegypénztáros feltünt. Csendes, békés hely a hegyoldalban, ahol minden növény ki van táblázva. Amit nem igazán értettem azok a modern szobrok voltak, hogy értelmük nincs az is biztos..nálam ez a kert az egyszer elmegy kategória, hogy többet nem jövök az biztos. Sajnos az összhatás szempontjából olyan érzésem volt mintha egy gazos rendezetlen kertben sétálnék. Nem volt nagy élmény!
It wouldn’t be a bad place, but we had to wait a good 20 minutes before the ticket office showed up. Quiet, peaceful place on the hillside where all the plants are tabulated. What I didn't really understand were the modern sculptures that they don't make sense for sure..I have this garden once it goes away category that I don't come any more for sure. Unfortunately for the overall effect, I felt like I was walking in a grassy messy garden. It wasn't a great experience!
Máté _ on Google

A hely nem nagyon volt reklámozva neten, legalábbis a Mésztufa-barlang előadásán hallottunk róla, hogy az igazgatóság épülete mellett ott ezt is meg lehet nézni. Azt pedig távolról sem gondoltuk volna, hogy a növények mellett egy nagy mászás után kiváló panorámával is találkozni fogunk. Szerintem hangulatosak a szobrok is, nem túl értelmezhetetlenek. Nem kifejezetten sok virágzó növény volt most, de megérte feljönni, bár a tetején már komoly kihívást jelentett a mászás. Ennyit mindenképp megért, legközelebb is jövünk szerintem, a fenti pihenőkben érdemes megpihenni, olvasgatni, hallgatni a madarakat. Nagyon kedves volt a pénztáros is.
The place wasn’t much advertised on the internet, at least at the performance of the Limestone Cave we heard that in addition to the board building, this can also be seen there. And we wouldn't have thought at all that in addition to the plants, we would also have an excellent panorama after a big climb. I think the sculptures are cozy too, not too incomprehensible. There weren’t exactly many flowering plants now, but it was worth coming up, although climbing on top of it was already a serious challenge. He understands that much, I think we will come next time, it is worth resting, reading and listening to the birds in the above rest areas. The treasurer was also very kind.
Tamás Hoffmann on Google

Hidden treasure of Pécs
Dingeman steijn on Google

Not very impressive. Sadly they did not speak English.
Ammar Steijn on Google

Its a nice place with nice views over Pécs. They dont talk Englisch very well. Sadly nothing to drink there it was a very hot day...
Tibor Weigand on Google

Beautiful oasis of peace in the city, steep hills covered with exotic plants from all over the world, stairs to climb, great views and every now and then a place to take a rest in a shadow of the tree or pavilion...
Ildikó Wooning on Google

Beautiful and up kept garden, wide variety of plants. I imagine it's the nicest around May when it's all in bloom. There are stairs everywhere and it's pretty steep at some points. At the feet of the garden there is a big park for picnic and a huge playground for kids to get lost in for hours. The view is breathtaking from the ruins of Tettye. The cave is also worth a visit, we'll see it with the kids one day ?
Selejtes Kéktúrás on Google

Really nice, can't wait for it to reopen.

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