Semmelweis Egyetem Szülészeti és Nőgyógyászati Klinika (Üllői úti részleg) - Semmelweis Egyetem Szülészeti és Nőgyógyászati Klinika (Üllői úti részleg)

3.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Semmelweis Egyetem Szülészeti és Nőgyógyászati Klinika (Üllői úti részleg)

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Üllői út 78/A, 1082 Hungary

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Üllői út 78/A, 1082 Hungary
Mercedesz Hrozik on Google

MIOMA CENTRUM: A mai napon online előre foglalt majd telefonon is megerősìtett időpontra mentem 10.20.ra a miòma centrumba első vizsgàlatot szerettem volna. Màr az első recepcion fennakadtam, mert a recepciòs kèrte a tb kàrtyàt ès a lakcìmkàrtyàt ahhoz, hogy egyàltalàn bejelentse, hogy ott vagyok a sajàt időpontomra. Mondtam, hogy egyik sincs. Külföldön èlek ès különben is fizetős szolgàltatàsra jöttem a Mioma Centrumba. Erre, ő akkor nem tud engem bejelenteni, ugye iratok nèlkül, menjek le a nőgyògyàszati osztalyra es jelentsem be sajàt magam! (Màr ez is bicskanyitogatò.) Lementem. Egy ideig topogtam ott a vàrakozòk között, azt sem tudtam mi van. Remènykedtem, hogy mivel foglaltam azèrt időpontot, hàtha szòlìtanak majd mègis. Fel is hìvtam a Miòma Centrumot telefonon mèg ott a vàròbòl, persze senki nem vette fel a telefont.. Aztàn odamentem az első ajtòhoz ès szòltam egy ottani idosebb, bicegő asszisztensnek (de sajnàlom, hogy a neveket nem jegyzem meg ilyenkor ), hogy hahò itt vagyok, nincs irat, de van időpont ès fizetek stb. Ő is teljesen kiakadt azon, hogy semmi papìrom nincs. (Volt szemèlyim, de kit èrdekel ugye.) Semmit nem mondott, hogy most akkor fogadnak-e vagy sem!! Csak sòhajtozott magànak, hogy èn hogy merek odamenni minden nèlkül, meg hogy ne menjek be oda, ahol ő van, tehàt eleve csak maszkban ès tàvolròl beszèlhettem hozzà. Mèg valami olyat is nyekegett, hogy köszönik szèpen, hogy èn ìgy megyek oda hozzàjuk. A nő nettò idiòtàn viselkedik amùgy kb. minden ott vàrakozòval ès flegma is, nem kicsit. Aztàn felìrta a nevem. Elvileg... 1 òra ès 40 perc vàrakozàs utan, amikor a 10.20-as időpontomra mèg dèlben nem szòlìtott senki, ès mindenki , aki nàlam kèsőbb èrkezett, màr bejutott, èn feladtam ès eljöttem! A nyekegő vènasszonyhoz, màr nem volt kedvem hozzàszòlni se ezek utàn. Az èletben nem megyek ide vissza, akkor sem ha ők fizetnek. Nem volt jò tapasztalat ès mìnusz 2 òra az èletemből a semmire. Annak örülök, hogy a mufurc asszisztensek azèrt jòl szòrakoztak a kis helyükön! Èn annyira nem èlveztem a dolgot! Nem tudom mèg meddig kellett volna ott ülnöm, hogy behìvjanak, de nem szàntam erre az egès napot! Főleg, hogy elvileg időpontra mentem. Kèszpènzzel! Mert amùgy 22.000 ft keszpenzt kèrtek volna a vizsgàlatèrt, bàr ùgy làtom mègsem kell nekik a pènz , iratok nèlkül leszarnak. Ennyi
MIOMA CENTER: Today I went to the myòma center for a pre-booked appointment by 10:20 a.m. online and then confirmed by phone. I was stuck at the first reception because the receptionist asked for the tb card and the address card to announce that I was there at my own time. I said none. I live abroad and I came to the Mioma Center for a paid service anyway. For that, she can't report me then, without documents, let's go down to the gynecology department and report myself! (It's a knife opener, too.) I went down. I stumbled there among the waiters for a while, I didn't even know what was going on. I was hoping that since I had booked an appointment for a week, they would still deliver. I even called the Miòma Centrum over the phone from the waiting room, of course no one picked up the phone. I am, there is no document, but there is a date and I pay, etc. He was also completely upset that I had no paper. (I had a person, but who cared. He just sighed to himself that I dared to go there without anything and not to go where he was, so I could only talk to him from a distance and from afar. There was still something to say about me that I was going to come to them. The woman behaves on a net idiot for approx. with everything waiting there and phlegm, not a little. Then he wrote my name down. In principle ... After waiting for 1 hour and 40 minutes, when no one was delivered to my time at 10.20, and everyone who arrived later than me had arrived, I gave up and came! I didn't feel like talking to the old woman after that either. In my life, I don’t go back here, even if they pay. It wasn’t a good experience and minus 2 hours of my life for nothing. I'm glad the mufurc assistants had a lot of fun in their small space! I didn't enjoy it so much! I don't know how long I should have been sitting there to be invited, but I haven't spent an entire day doing this! Especially that I went on a date in principle. With cash! Because they would have asked for 22,000 ft of cash for the examination anyway, although I can still see the money being shed without documents. That's it

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László Kocsis on Google

Anna Gamreklidze on Google

The worst experience I’ve ever had at the reception. She was just extremely rude
Leandra Jonker on Google

The laboratory was very efficient and the staff were kind and helpful. The building itself is modern and new, which means it is also clean. I was able to get an appointment within 24 hrs and did not wait long at all. Could only pay by card though and not cash. Highly recommend and thank you !
Egle Silenaite-Enyed on Google

As someone coming from the East-Northern Europe, I am used to a poor looking hospitals and therefore didn’t expect much from this one. However, feelings and experiences are very mixed after I gave a birth in SOTE. The delivery ward is really okay. Delivery rooms are renovated, bright, cosy and comfortable. Young staff spoke English and was really helpful. However, the different story is with the other areas of the hospital. Gynecology ward and After delivery ward is terrible. Especially situation with bathrooms. There were 4 bathrooms in the whole corridor and only 1 was actually working. So you can imagine the situation. Staff in these wards are mostly containing elderly ladies so no one spoke English. This is pretty frustrating when you are alone, right after birth and can’t get help from the nurses. Visiting area is ridiculous, barely enough place to sit. Reminded a jail visiting areas seen on TV ? It was super sad that father of the baby can’t stay longer or can’t be placed privately with family. Support of the partner is very necessary in these first days and it was a heartbreaking experience every time when husband had to leave because of the hospital rules ? Food was exactly as I expected, meaning, better have your own food. Lunch was okay (for me, who is not picky with meals) but breakfasts and dinners were always the same slice of bread and some piece of ham + yoghurt or kefir. All in all, the delivery part was okay, but staying after that for those 3 days were super depressing because of no help from the staff (due to no English) and also because of the poor conditions with bathrooms and showers. If I would need to give a birth again in Hungary, I would choose the private hospital. I think money wise it would be worth to pay more but at least to get better attention and care. And maybe even get a private room where father of the baby could stay as well.
Csaba Jevtic-Somlai on Google

Absolutely unsanitary and disgusting not only in the restrooms but overall. And this is no 1 child delivery clinic... Please! No private space for the doctor to examine. Curtains hung halfway through, lots of walking around while one is being checked inside out. Very limited scope of processes for the general. Not up to European union standards at all. Should be shut down and cleaned up. Hungary is not taking care of its own and of foreigners in urgent need. Ended up in 11th district where the hospital is very much like USA standards space-wise, cleanliness, equipments, interior, exterior.
Ozlem Erguc on Google

At emergency they are really friendly and helpful. You may need to wait a bit but they really do their best and give long and satisfying explanations. Beside that as I saw there was no difference with their behavior between Hungarian and non Hungarian patients. They are helpful and kind to everybody. Many thanks.

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