Saints Peter and Paul church - Saints Peter and Paul church

4.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Saints Peter and Paul church

Address :

Lajos u. 168, 1036 Hungary

Phone : 📞 +8
Postal code : 168
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Categories :

Lajos u. 168, 1036 Hungary
Tamás Eszes on Google

Kedves régi emlékeket ébreszt minden alkalommal! Uram, ültesd jobbodra Khirer Vilmos plébános atyát!
It awakens fond old memories every time! Sir, seat the parish priest William Khirer to your right.
Lídia Merényiné Glinka on Google

Nagyon szép helyen helyezkedik el. Jól megközelíthető, akadálymentesitő van. Csodálatos barokk templom, jó a lelkisége.
Miklós Szilágyi on Google

Az egyhajós templom belső tere három boltszakaszból áll, ehhez csatlakozik a belül íves, kívül a nyolcszög három oldalával záruló szentély. Barokk stílusban épült, kellemes ódon illat fogadja az embert ahogy átlépi a küszöböt. Rendezett szépen karbantartott templom. Nyugodt meghitt helyen.
The interior of the single-nave church consists of three arched sections, to which is attached the sanctuary, which is arched on the inside and closes on three sides with an octagon on the outside. Built in Baroque style, a pleasant ancient scent greets you as you cross the threshold. Well-kept church. Quiet intimate location.
Pascal RIDE on Google

nice church
Emo Jozsa on Google

Gold and silver.
ala maky on Google

Claudiu on Google

Only got to visit the outside after going to Margaret Island, it looks very much like all the other Churches in the city, it sort of gets boring after seeing the model so many times Definitely don't come here if you have better stuff to do, but do come after Margaret Island. The communist building block setting will give you a nice contrast
Giulia on Google

Nice church (at least, from the outside). Its immediate surroundings are well kept. In front, two lovely sculptures. I got the sensation I was visiting a village, very peaceful.

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