Vörösmarty utca - Budapest

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Vörösmarty utca

Address :

1064 Hungary

Categories :
City : Vörösmarty utca

1064 Hungary
Tamásné Csorba on Google

Mint egy múzeum, egy valódi szépség a műszaki alkotások sorában. Igaz, ez a többi M1 állomásról is elmondható, de nekem ez különösen kedves! A közelben a Régi Zeneakadémia, a Képzőművészeti Egyetem és a többi művészetnek otthont adó palota. Jó itt időzni, de szerencsére sosem kell sokat várni a szerelvényre. Eddig még időben érkeztem a megbeszélt találkozókra!
Like a museum, a real beauty in the line of technical creations. True, this can be said for the other M1 stations as well, but for me it is especially nice! Nearby is the Old Academy of Music, the University of Fine Arts and the palace that hosts other arts. It’s good to be here, but luckily you never have to wait long for the train. So far, I have arrived on time for the scheduled meetings!
Andrew Van Horns (TheForgiven) on Google

Wenn man keinen Kinderwagen oder Rollstuhl benötigt ist diese Stadion einfach nur winderschön und Vintage. Angeblich ist Das sogar die aller erste U-Bahn Strecke Europas. Deswegen Wahrscheinlichkeit auch keine Rolltreppe oder Aufzug :) Die Treppen sind aber nicht all zu hoch
If you don't need a stroller or wheelchair, this stadium is just beautiful and vintage. Allegedly is This is even the very first underground line in Europe. Therefore probably no escalator or elevator :) But the stairs are not too high
Wu碳 on Google

復古可愛的車站, 很乾淨不像其他城市(柏林,東京)的老地鐵站,很髒。 布達佩斯地鐵1號線於1894年至1896年建成,是目前世界唯一一條被列為世界遺產的鐵路。
Retro cute station, Very clean unlike the old subway stations in other cities (Berlin, Tokyo), very dirty. The Budapest Metro Line 1 was built between 1894 and 1896 and is currently the only railway in the world listed as a World Heritage Site.
Aleksandra Jagodzińska on Google

Maleńka, urokliwa stacja pierwszej linii budapeszteńskiego metra, czyli Kolejki Podziemnej. Chyba nigdy nie widziałam tu kontrolera:-)
A tiny, charming station on the first line of the Budapest metro, i.e. the Underground Railway. I don't think I've ever seen a controller here :-)
Mehmet Zenginer CY on Google

Dünyanın en eski 3. metro hattı olan M1 metro hattının 6. Durağı olan Vörösmarty utca durağı eski tarihi yapısı ile halen günümüzde nostaljik bir yapı ile yolculuklara hizmet vermekte. Ayrıca M1 hattı (Millenniumi Földalatti Vasút) olarak bilinmektedir. Hat UNESCO Dünya mirası listesine eklenmiştir.
Vörösmarty utca stop, which is the 6th stop of the M1 metro line, which is the 3rd oldest metro line in the world, still serves journeys with a nostalgic structure with its old historical structure. It is also known as the M1 line (Millenniumi Földalatti Vasút). The line has been added to the UNESCO World Heritage list.
Ruben Borbely on Google

It's a station in a safe and historic district.
Sandy Juhasz on Google

Beautiful subway station
Edwin Goh on Google

Nice interior. For the train, it was like having a fun ride at a amusement. Those old train type of amusement ride. Interesting :)

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