Balassa Bálint szobor - Balassa Bálint szobor

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Contact Balassa Bálint szobor

Address :

Álmos u. 5, 2500 Hungary

Postal code : 5
Categories :

Álmos u. 5, 2500 Hungary
Tomer St on Google

Istvánik Norbert on Google

Gergely Meszárcsek on Google

Méltóságteljes szobor vele szemben a kápolna, hátánál pedig a Bazilika
A stately statue opposite the chapel and at the back the Basilica
Katalin Horváthné on Google

Az esztergomi vár tövében álló szobor emléket állít az itt elhunyt költőnek.
The statue at the foot of the castle of Esztergom commemorates the poet who died here.
Alessandro S. on Google

Statua di Bálint Balassa, poeta ed eroe nazionale ungherese. Considerato il fondatore della poesia lirica ungherese, e il primo scrittore in lingua ungherese di rilevanza internazionale. Morì durante l'assedio di Esztergom da parte dei Turchi nel 1594.
Statue of Bálint Balassa, Hungarian poet and national hero. Considered the founder of Hungarian lyric poetry, and the first writer in Hungarian language of international significance. He died during the siege of Esztergom by the Turks in 1594.
ivo balaz on Google

Nuž, trochu preexponovaná socha jedného z mojich predkov pochádzal z významného pôvodne frankovalónskeho rodu BALAS de Villa Bala, vicevojvodov Transilvánie. Rod Balas po boku s rodmi Arpád a Abba ... bol od 10 storočia zakladateľkým rodom Uhorska. Pripojili k Uhorsku napríklad dnešné východné Slovensko. Budovali hrady (7 hradov v okolí Žiliny, hrady v Castrum Novum, Zvolene, Oravský hrad, Modrý kameň... vo Vespréme, Transilvánii) a zakladali obce a mestá. Valentinus Balas v maďarsku známy ako Balassa i Balassi Bálint bol pôvodne dedič mnohých titulov (de Villa Bala, de Arva, de Modrý Kameň, de Zvolen, de Balassa Gyarmat, de Budatin etc....) keďže rod vlastnil majetky v celom Uhorsku bol významným bojovníkom. Bojoval vo viacerých významných bitkách v Uhorsku i Poľsku. Práve tu v Ostrihome skonal po tom, čo mu v boji otrhlo obe nohy. Študoval v Nemecku, Taliansku i v Jágri. Ovládal viacero jazykov medzi inými písal Nemecky, Slovensky, Latinsky, Poľsky, Turecky i Maďarsky. Je autorom poézie, ale najme skladby HYMNUS SECUNDUS v latinčine, ktorá neskôr v 19. storočí národného obrodenia Maďarska dostala i maďarský text. Hymnus sa stal na celé stáročia hymnou rodu Balas a je ňou s latinským textom dodnes. Valentinus Balas je pochovaný na Slovensku v obci v kostole v Hybe.
Well, the slightly overexposed statue of one of my ancestors came from the important originally Franco-Franconian family BALAS de Villa Bala, Vice-Dukes of Transylvania. The Balas family, along with the Arpad and Abba families ... has been the founding family of Hungary since the 10th century. For example, they joined today's eastern Slovakia to Hungary. They built castles (7 castles around Žilina, castles in Castrum Novum, Zvolen, Orava Castle, Blue Stone ... in Veszprém, Transylvania) and founded villages and towns. Valentinus Balas in Hungary known as Balassa and Balassi Bálint was originally the heir of many titles (de Villa Bala, de Arva, de Modrý Kameň, de Zvolen, de Balassa Gyarmat, de Budatin etc ....) as the family owned property throughout Hungary was important fighter. He fought in several important battles in Hungary and Poland. It was here in Esztergom that he ripped off both legs in battle. He studied in Germany, Italy and Jágr. He spoke several languages, including German, Slovak, Latin, Polish, Turkish and Hungarian. He is the author of poetry, but he mainly hires the compositions HYMNUS SECUNDUS in Latin, which later in the 19th century of the national revival of Hungary received a Hungarian text. The hymn has become the anthem of the Balas family for centuries and is still with the Latin text to this day. Valentinus Balas is buried in Slovakia in a village in a church in Hybe.

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