Emlékhely (Korean Memorial Place) - Emlékhely (Korean Memorial Place)

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Contact Emlékhely (Korean Memorial Place)

Address :

Széchenyi rkp., 1055 Hungary

Categories :
City : Széchenyi rkp.

Széchenyi rkp., 1055 Hungary
Joli Harsányi on Google

A Hableány sétahajó tragédiájának második évfordulóján felavatták a baleset áldozatainak emlékművét. Az emlékmű két, eltérő méretű gránittömbbel szimbolizálja a két, egymásnak ütköző hajót. A Dunához közelebbi, a Hableányt szimbolizáló gránittömb tetején van lehetőség a mécsesek, virágok, kegyeleti tárgyak elhelyezésére. A másik gránittömbre vésték fel a katasztrófa 26 dél-koreai és a két magyar áldozatának nevét. Az emlékmű területének burkolata apró kőkockákból áll, mintázata a folyó hullámzását utánozza. Park Csul Min, Dél-Korea budapesti nagykövete Budapest és a magyar kormány képviselőivel a gránittömbök mellé ültetett egy páfrányfenyőt .
On the second anniversary of the crash of the Mermaid cruise ship, a memorial to the victims of the accident was inaugurated. The monument symbolizes the two colliding ships with two granite blocks of different sizes. Candlesticks, flowers and reverential objects can be placed on top of the granite block closer to the Danube, symbolizing the Mermaid. The other granite blocks were engraved with the names of 26 South Korean and two Hungarian victims of the disaster. The cover of the area of ​​the monument consists of small stone cubes, its pattern imitates the undulation of the river. Park Csul Min, the South Korean ambassador to Budapest, planted a fern next to the granite blocks with representatives of Budapest and the Hungarian government.
Zoltan Vegvari on Google

Memorial Place: On 29 May 2019, the boat Viking Sigyn collided with Hableány from behind under the Margaret Bridge near the Parliament Building, with 2 hungarian crew and 33 South-Korean tourists on board, 7 tourists were rescued at the scene; all others were later found to be dead. 허블레아니호 침몰 사고는 2019년 5월 29일 헝가리 부다페스트에서 도나우강 유람선인 허블레아니호 (헝가리어: Hableány, '허블레아뉴'는 인어라는 뜻)가 더 큰 다른 유람선 MV 바이킹시긴호(MV Viking Sigyn) 와 충돌 후 침몰한 사고이다. 승선객은 참좋은여행 관광 상품으로 허블레아니호에 타 있던 한국인 관광객 33명과 헝가리인 선장과 승무원 2명이다.
Memorial Place: On 29 May 2019, the boat Viking Sigyn collided with Hableány from behind under the Margaret Bridge near the Parliament Building, with 2 hungarian crew and 33 South-Korean tourists on board, 7 tourists were rescued at the scene; all others were later found to be dead. The sinking of the Hubbleani occurred on May 29, 2019 in Budapest, Hungary, on the Danube river cruise ship, the Hubbleani (Hungarian: Hableány, 'Hableány' means mermaid), another larger cruise ship MV Viking Sigin (MV). It sank after a collision with Viking Sigyn). The number of passengers on board are 33 Korean tourists, a Hungarian captain and two crew members, who were on the Hubbleani.
Iván Várhelyi on Google

Ennek az értékelésnek nem sok köze van az emlékmű formájához, méretéhez, inkább az emlékekhez... amikor történt, aznap elmentem a koreai követséghez virágot fűztem a kerítésbe. Az volt az egyetlen virág. Aztán amikor kimentünk a hídra Arirang éneklésre, akkor az valami egészen felemelő. szívfájdító élmény volt. Ilyent soha nem felejt ez az ember. És ma is itt állhattam egy csendes negyedórát egyedül, ennél az emlékműnél.
This assessment has little to do with the shape and size of the monument, but rather with the memories ... when it happened, I went to the Korean embassy that day to plant flowers in the fence. It was the only flower. Then when we went out on the bridge to sing Arirang, it was something quite uplifting. it was a heartbreaking experience. Such a man will never forget. And I could still stand here today for a quiet quarter of an hour alone, at this monument.
문지용 on Google

삼가 고인분들의 명복을 빕니다... 사고 상황을 보고 얼마나 아찔하던지요. 2015년에 어머니와 제가 동유럽여행을 갔었는데... 부다페스트 야간유람선은 무료옵션이 승선했었거든요... 배 규모도 저희가 탓던 것과 비슷한 것 같네요. 한 분은 끝까지 못 찾았다고 뉴스에서 봤는데...ㅠㅠ
Best wishes to the deceased... How terrifying were you to see the accident situation? In 2015, my mother and I went on a trip to Eastern Europe... The Budapest night cruise is a free option. The size of the ship seems to be similar to what we blamed. I saw on the news that one person couldn't find it till the end... ㅠㅠ
이운동 on Google

Eitan Oved on Google

Nice memorial and sad too
Houman Avin on Google

Those notes …?
Robert Garvey on Google

Memorial to rainy night of 29 May 2019 when 135-metre Viking Sigyn and Hableány collided in the Danube. With 2 Hungarian crew and 33 South Korean tourists on board the Hableány, only 7 tourists were rescued. All others died.

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