Vajdahunyad Castle

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Vajdahunyad Castle

Address :

Vajdahunyad stny., 1146 Hungary

Categories :
City : Vajdahunyad stny.

Vajdahunyad stny., 1146 Hungary
Лара Корицкая on Google

Приятно прогуляться и рассмотреть замок. Уютное тихое место. Рядом дом музыки и детские площадки
Nice to walk around and see the castle. Cozy quiet place. Near the house of music and playgrounds
Kristy Brinzikova on Google

Uprostred mestského parku nájdete aj tento hrad, v ktorého priestoroch nájdete múzeum maďarského poľnohospodárstva. Vstupné je prijateľné a dôchodcovia a zdravotne postihnutí majú vstup zdarma. Keďže poľnohospodárska výstava nie je práve to, čo som čakala, pozrela som si len exteriér,ale určite neľutujem. Je na čo sa dívať. Obchodík so suvenírmi je tak sialene predražený, že nákup suvenírov by som odložila radšej na iné miesto.
In the middle of the city park you will also find this castle, in the premises of which you will find the Museum of Hungarian Agriculture. Admission is acceptable and pensioners and the disabled have free admission. Since the agricultural exhibition is not exactly what I expected, I only looked at the exterior, but I certainly do not regret it. There is something to look at. The souvenir shop is so overpriced that I would rather postpone buying souvenirs.
Miguel Abreu on Google

Nothing special
Leanne Brown on Google

Worth a visit
Abbey Singh on Google

Magical space, lots to do in the area
Luís Correia on Google

Amazing place to visit, incredible from outside, beautiful architecture.
Peter Panait on Google

Beautifully preserved castle and grounds. Lot's to see and explore. A perfect destination for the entire family.
Georgia-Mae Bailey on Google

The most magical place at night. My now fiancé proposed here. I highly recommend a visit at night time.

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