Ybl Miklós Szobra - Ybl Miklós Szobra

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Contact Ybl Miklós Szobra

Address :

Ybl Miklós tér 5, 1013 Hungary

Postal code : 5
Categories :

Ybl Miklós tér 5, 1013 Hungary
Szilard on Google

Méltó helyen, méltó környezetben lévő szobor: városunk látképének meghatározó alakjának emléket állítva.
A sculpture in a worthy place, in a worthy environment: erecting a memory of the defining figure of the view of our city.
Saltets G on Google

Памятник архитектору Миклошу Иблу. К 100 летию.
Monument to the architect Miklos Ibl. To the 100th anniversary.
Valeriu Adrian Dobre on Google

Lovag Ybl Miklós György Ignác (Székesfehérvár, 1814. április 6. – Budapest, 1891. január 22.) magyar építész, a 19. század egyik legnagyobb magyar mestere, a historizmus európai jelentőségű képviselője. Legismertebb művei a budapesti Magyar Állami Operaház, a Fővámház (ma a Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem főépülete), a Várkert Bazár, a Szent István-bazilika vagy a Szeplőtelen fogantatás templom (Fót). (Wikipédia)
Knight Ybl Miklós György Ignác (Székesfehérvár, April 6, 1814 - Budapest, January 22, 1891) is a Hungarian architect, one of the greatest Hungarian masters of the 19th century, a representative of historicism of European significance. His best-known works are the Hungarian State Opera House in Budapest, the Main Customs House (today the main building of the Corvinus University of Budapest), the Castle Garden Bazaar, St. Stephen's Basilica or the Church of the Immaculate Conception (Fót). (Wikipedia)
Denis Roblek on Google

Miklós Ybl je bil eden izmed priznanih arhitektov svojega časa. Rodile se je 1814 v Székesfehérvár in umrl 1891 v Budimpešti. Njegovo najbolj znano delo je Operna hiša v Budimpešti, ki je nastajala kar dobrih 9 let in sicer od 1875 pa vse do leta 1884. Ta spomenik so mu postavili leta 1953 v njegov večen in trajen spomin.
Miklós Ybl was one of the renowned architects of his time. She was born in Székesfehérvár in 1814 and died in Budapest in 1891. His most famous work is the Budapest Opera House, which has been in existence for over 9 years, from 1875 until 1884. This monument was erected in 1953 in his eternal and lasting memory.

Говорят прекрасный человек был )
They say he was a wonderful person
Сергей Мороз on Google

Памятник венгерскому архитектору 19-го века Иблю Миклошу (6.04.1814 - 22.01.1891). По его проекту построен Оперный театр в Будапеште. Ибль достраивал базилику Святого Стефана и участвовал в реконструкции королевского дворца.
Monument to the 19th-century Hungarian architect Ibl Miklos (6.04.1814 - 01.22.1891). According to his project, the Opera House was built in Budapest. Ible completed the St. Stephen's Basilica and participated in the reconstruction of the royal palace.
Dan Leal on Google

The famous Hungarian architect
Ye Hu on Google


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